Oh, those pesky vampires. Blood suckers extraordinaire. The first vampires in literature were evil. But over time vampires took on more and more romantic and sympathetic elements until today they can even be leading men. Can you match the famous vampires from page and screen on the left with their creators on the right? Zero to five correct means you’re either covering for the vamps or you’re VQ is a little low. Six to ten correct is a good score. You’ve probably bitten a few necks yourself. Over ten correct makes me wonder if the phrase “blood bank” has more than the usual meaning for you.
1. Vampirella (1st issue):::::::::::::::::::::Laurell K. Hamilton
2. Carmilla::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Anne Rice
3. Saint-Germain::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Whitley Strieber
4. Molochai, Twig, & Zillah:::::::::::::::::::Suzy McKee Charnas
5. Prince Vulkan::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Robert R. McCammon
6. Edward Weyland:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::T. Prest OR M. Rymer
7. David Lyle Hardwick::::::::::::::::::::::::Stephen King
8. Jean-Claude::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::P. N. Elrod
9. Jonathan Barrett:::::::::::::::::::::::::::Nancy Kilpatrick
10. Dracula::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::J. Sheridan Le Fanu
11. Joshua York::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Forrest Ackerman
12. Miriam Blaylock :::::::::::::::::::::::::::Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
13. Varney:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Poppy Z. Brite
14. Barlow:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::George R. R. Martin
15. Lestat:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Bram Stoker
----- ----- ------------------------------- ------------------ ------ ----------
Answers: (Last name only) 1. Ackerman, 2. Le Fanu, 3. Yarbro, 4. Brite, 5. McCammon, 6. Charnas, 7. Kilpatrick, 8. Hamilton, 9. Elrod, 10. Stoker, 11. Martin, 12. Streiber 13. Prest or Rymer, 14. King, 15. Rice.
With the answers at the bottom I can get 'em all right! ;)
Lana, you're only supposed to look after you've tried to answer them first, my dear.
Well, I've only read three of the authors so I got those three correct. I guessed at two more.
I've read most of these books, but I don't recall most of the authors+vamp character. Probably because I didn't like many of them. I had to go look at the Carmilla book to get the author, I gave away the P.N. Elrod books (had them all) and of course I knew LKH's, Rice's and Stoker's guys.
So I get 4. I hadn't realised Poppy had written anything; I knew of her as a San Francisco pagan into the alternative lifestyle scene. Not surprized to find she is an author of vampire erotica, though!
Travis, some of these are pretty esoteric for sure.
Writtenwyrdd, Poppy's first published novel was Lost Souls, which was a vampire novel. She hasn't written a vampire book since, although I think she might have done a few short stories in the "vein."
I got six correct--five because I'd read the books (Stoker, Rice, King, Hamilton, Yarbro), the sixth a lucky guess (Brite). Your list makes me want to read the others' works, too.
This was cool. I love quizzes--when I know at least some of the answers!
I got one (1) right.
Yes, the Dracula one.
Now Charles it's your turn: Do I read/like stories about vampires?
Nevermind! I love quizzes!
Two, only: Rice and Bram.
Must be all that V8 juice I drink that makes my VQ so low...
They have a mysterious hold on our imagination don't they?
I spend a lot of time hanging around in Whitby....
Elora, that's the best yet. Well done.
Szelsofa, at least we don't have to worry about you ripping out our jugulars.
Bernita, vampire 8 juice? hum.
Anndi, yes, just when I think the craze will die down it reignites.
Julie, I have a feeling there might be at least a Dhampyr in your background.
I got four of them. Damn!
Charles; In that case I'm an idiot, & that takes all the fun out of it! *LOL*
I'm just off to feed my pet bat snippet on Journey....
Not covering... definitely low VQ! But I won't reveal my score, not until I've cheated anyway.
My VQ is low -- 3 (Stoker, King and Rice of course). I don't know when vampires became so sexy, but it's cascaded down to YA paranormal too. Apparently vampires are the new horses in girls' literature.:)
I got five: either covering or coffeeless.
Stupid green tea, how am I supposed to *think* with TEA? Now I'm branded a Renfrew because of an undercaffeinated beverage!
Ditto Lana!
I need to start reading some books outside my genre....
Wayne, not bad in comparison to some.
Lana, I guess I'm gonna have to bite you on the neck tonight.
Julie, LoL.
Leigh, and here I figured the ladies would do much better than the gents.
Lisa, LOL. That makes me think of the phone commerical where the teenage girl gets a pony instead of a phone and she tells her friends that he bites.
Steve Malley, my God man. I didn't realize you were working with a handicap like that. We'll just double your score.
Church lady, I must confess that when I made up this quiz I had to look a few of them up myself. Does that make me bad?
I only knew 2. I have low VQ too like Bernita.
heehe, Charles, how d'you know my take on werewolves, hm?
Ello, well then you're in good company.
Szelsofa, good point. ;)
I did okay on this one, but most of my vampire ways go into how I dress instead of what I read! I'll have to check out a few on this list for my holiday reading.
Michelle, but I saw the picture of you reflected in the mirror so I know you aren't a full vampire. At least not yet.
Um, two--Stoker and Rice. In one sense I understand the romantic attraction of vampires as the ultimate bad boys, but I wonder if readers really think this through--I mean, these guys are COLD!
Dangit. Only three.
Oh, the shame, the shame...
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