Friends of mine, James Reasoner and his family, lost all their belongings yesterday in a wildfire that raced through their little piece of Texas. He had a chance to update his blog at the local library and talks about it there. The family and pets are safe; everything else is gone. We've been in touch with Jim and they are staying with family and OK for now on food and shelter. But if you would send your prayers and good thoughts their way it would be appreciated.
Both Jim and his wife, Livia, are authors, widely published and in demand. Jim had a contracted book about a third done when the fire took it. The publisher has already said they'll wait for him, which is good news, and Jim is not a "sensitive" writer. I know he won't let this keep him from wordslinging, as soon as he gets another computer. The family also lost thousands of pulps, books, and irreplaceable memories, of course.
Once they are settled again his friends will be sending him books and materials to rebuild his collection, although much of it will not be replaceable.
Jim, we're thinking of you.
Charles, I've just checked the blog -
what a shock in the space of a day; and good that bloggers can spread the news and offer what support they can.
Nightmare scenario you never think will happen to you, I guess.
That's so sad! I'm definitely sending them all good thoughts and prayers. Losing part of a book is tragic. Fires are wicked scary.
Tragic indeed , but suffice to say they are healthy and well.
Two seperate house fires took several lives just a few miles from here over a four day period. It is scary .
My respect and best wishes to them and their task of starting from scratch. Every tragedy has oppurtunity laced in it's hardship. I'm sorry for their troubles.
Isn't that always the way?
Every major project seems to carry something of tragedy in it.
Like you go for your PhD and your wife divorces you.
And now poor Mr. Reasoner.
Just about ready with his magnum librum and his house burns down.
Oh well.
Those of us who are about to be evicted salute him.
Doesn't art exact a terrible price sometimes?
I've never been able to quite fathom what it would be like to lose everything in a fire. I'm so glad that James and his family and pets got out ok. My prayers and good thoughts are going out to them.
Oh, I sure hate to hear this. Poor family. At least they and the pets are well. Good to have wonderful friends who pull together to help in times like this. Best of luck to them.
I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending them "white light."
He'll be in my prayers.
So sorry to hear this . . . please let us know if there is a point in time when fellow writers can send him books or do something proactive to help him and his family.
That's really a shame. I got lucky when wildfire came close to me about 5 years ago. I can't imagine losing everything like that.
Thanks, Charles for bringing this to our attention ...
Jim, mate, I live in a country where bushfires (and sometimes tragedy) are a way of life. My family prays for you and for the hope that your spirit will never be broken ...
Thanks everyone, for the good wishes sent winging Jim's way.
Just dreadful news.
Thank you for saying clearly that his family - and the pets - are safe.
For some reason I always worry about the pets.
That is really sad -- if there are any book wishes in future, I can probably send some along.
Glad no one got hurt.
Takes me back to the day I was lost in a fog at the keyboard, still in my pj's writing, when a cop pounded on the door and ordered me out of the house due to a raging brush fire coming at me (too busy writing, I hadn't noticed) - I grabbed what I'd printed out of my MS and my floppy disk and was outta there.
Thankfully, the fireman won the war - no houses burned.
So yeah, the terror of that moment hasn't been forgotten. I really feel for your friend. He's lucky at least to have an understanding publisher, and supportive friends.
What a devastating lost. Jim and his family are certainly in my prayers.
This reminds me, as a writer, to store my work in cyberspace ever so often. Losing possessions is heartbreaking, but losing your precious words can be downright crushing. I hope, like you said, Jim is able to bounce back quickly and get back to writing.
Terrible news.
At least everyone got out OK.
Sending thoughts and prayers their way!
I am glad they are safe, but so sorry they lost everything. As a resident of post-Katrina south Louisiana, I empathize with their situation. If there are any fund-raising, book-donating, goods-donating, or other drives organized for the Reasoners, please let us know so we can pitch in.
That's awful! I hope everyone is okay.
We had a house fire when I was a kid and it's terrible. We lost family photos and heirlooms that can't be replaced. I really feel for them.
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