As far as publications and other literary endeavors go,
January 2019 has been the most successful month that I’ve had in a long time.
Quite a lot of things have appeared. I figured it was worth a blog post. Helps
me keep everything straight myself, so here they are—in no particular order.
1. Interview. I did an article a couple of years ago for Weird
Fiction Review #7 on the “beautiful and repellent” in the work of such Weird Tales
authors as Robert E. Howard, C. L. Moore, and Clark Ashton Smith. Seth Lindberg, a fine writer himself, did an interview with me about that subject and it went up early
today over on Black Gate. We get into some interesting topics so you might enjoy
checking it out.
2. Deep Fried Horror
appeared from Deadman’s Tome. My
story here is called “Sing In Me, Muse.” Where does inspiration come from? You
may not want to know.
3. I had five poems go up at Altered Reality Magazine. This includes an SF Story-poem I wrote
called “Far Beyond Home,” which I’ve always had a fondness for but which has never
gotten much love from magazines. Until now!
4. My alter ego, Tyler Boone, has also been busy. He’s got a
short story up at Rope and Wire called “Hard-Luck Hannah.”
There's a couple more things coming up soon from me, so I may update this post if they happen in January. As always, thanks for visiting!