“I thought I could have been treated better,” says Bud
Weiser. “It hurts not to be loved.”
“Lies. All lies,” says
Coors. “He drank a lot more of me than
he lets on. And he liked it.”
“Come back to Canada and we’ll Eff you up really good this
time.” --The Molson Brews.
“I don’t always like being drunk by humans,” says Dos Equis,
“but when I do I prefer it to be by Charles Gramlich.”
“Only 99 cents, he’s charging for this. Meshuggah!”
--He’Brew: The Chosen Beer.
Get your copy of "Days of Beer" today. Before it goes stale.
Awesome, Charles! Before it goes stale - priceless.
Very clever indeed! You really have the knack.
Cheers! :-)
Luv the pitch!
What a deal!
(India) Pale Al.
Alex, glad you liked!
Richard R., thanks, man.
Merisi, indeed.
Paul, I got a good chuckle out of it this morning.
Don, absolutely!
They get funnier as you read, and not because I've been drinking while reading.
Ha! ;) Thanks for sharing, hon.
Aloha from Honolulu, and thanks for your comments!
Comfort Spiral
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"Before going stale" XDD That's a good one
Keith, sure, man, sure. :)
Lana, sweetness
Cloudia, I'd like to think so.
Deka, thankee!
LOL! Oh yeah... good follow up! :)
Made me laugh, good one Charles.
he'brew cracked me up more'n t'others... salute! lol
Bernard, thanks, man. It was fun.
David J., glad to hear it.
Laughingwolf, He'Brew is real. Lana found it for me.
Terrific, Charles! Coors seems luckier than other brews. "Days of Beer" — unlikely to go stale.
A damn fine memoir.
Prashant, I did drink a lot of Coors, even though I give it a bit of a bashing in the book.
David Cranmer, thanks, man!
What a kick! Very clever! And FUNNY, too!
Oscar, thankee!
wow... i thought it was a joke, a good one... but the real deal sounds better :)
taste tells the tale, though ;)
Laughingwolf, I've never tasted He'brew, but I'm gonna have to look for it now. It was too good to pass up, though.
i posted more info on 'shmaltz brewing', makers of "he'brew", and more... award-winners!
That was a clever way of presenting your book!
Clever, and yes, hilarious!
Clever, and yes, hilarious!
Laughingwolf, cool. I'll check it out.
Golden Eagle, I don't think I got a wide enough audience, though. I only sold one book that I can see from the post. But it was fun.
Greg, thankee,
Ivan, glad you enjoyed it, twice! :)
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