Sid posted some interesting notes on color and motif in writing, illustrated by a Ray Bradbury piece, and Steve is keeping up a running commentary on his novel in progress. Both are worthy reads.
I'm thinking ahead toward summer myself, because I'm not going to teach it this year for the first time in a long time, and I plan on working on a novel. Right now I'm kicking around ideas and the one that stands out so far would make a big Sword & Sorcery work, perhaps similar to what David Gemmell had been writing before his death. Below is what might turn out to be a prologue. It's helped crystalize my thinking about the book.
They came through darkness into the light, in rusted armor, astride horses the color of bone. Ancient swords hung about them, at hips and saddles and over ghastly shoulders. Some carried maces, too, or axes upon which the blood of old wars had dried so hard that it had bonded to the steel. In ebon madness they came, up slopes of fire toward the snow-capped mountains of heaven. But the gates were shut against them and only earth was left for them to abide their time.
A summer for writing sounds like the way to go. And maybe some day, whole straight years for writing without having to teach unless you felt like it? Sounds good to me. . . . .
Wow. I like that beginning! Yeah. If i were you I'd definatly take the summer off from teaching and write that story. It looks like you could have a lot of fun with it.
Heya. Tks for havin' a look at my blog. I had a read through yours, very interesting. You have a way with words, I would also suggest you take the summer of to do the writing thing.
A summer for writing is the very best thing in the world! Good luck!
Well, now you have to take the summer off to write - cause I have to read the rest of this!
Great first line, I like the blend of elements and colors.
Good opening -- I especially liked the passage about the blood being bonded to the steel on their axes -- very visual and full of portent. I bet you're chomping at the bit for summer to roll around!
Thanks for the support guys, I appreciate it.
Nice opening, time for a sabbatical!
--J (waiting patiently for Cold In The Light, Part Deux)
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