Saturday, May 04, 2013

Summer Routine

Today I start trying to get into my summer routine. I'm going to try and do a few things differently this year. I got up this morning and had a nice vigorous walk around the neighborhood. Only 16 minutes this morning, but I should work my way up some from there. I just don't get enough exercise and I'm getting to the age where I better start now or I'll soon be unable to start at all.

Of course, first thing out the door, the bottom board on our front steps came cleanly off under my feet. I'm still amazed I didn't fall on my ass. I was proud of myself, though. I took my walk anyway, instead of using the board as an excuse to avoid it. Waited until I got home to fix it. 

After that it was breakfast. The Lovely Lana fixed bacon and eggs this morning. And now to blogging. Writing is next. 

First, up, a revision of a piece I wrote several months back called "Big Boy Football." I've got several pretty funny stories about my High School football "career." Depending on how much I've got and how they fit together, I might do another collection of humor along the lines of Days of Beer. Or maybe I'll just blog them. Who knows. 

Speaking of Days of Beer, it's only .99 cents for some funny stuff. If I do say so myself. After all, Bernard Deleo liked it. Here's what he had to say:
"If you read any humorous memoir this year, it should be DAYS OF BEER. Author Charles Gramlich relives his early life experiences with beer, and a teenager's challenges in obtaining the golden substance to consume in mass quantities. Just his hilarious section aptly named the Touborg Sanction is well worth the price of admission. It is without doubt the funniest collection of anecdotes I've read in many years." 

Hope you can check it out.


  1. I'll look forward to your football stories, if they're as funny as "Days of Beer," it'll be a pleasure to read. Walking is always a good thing!

  2. Downloaded!

    Why not take a point-and-shoot on her walks?

    Good plan......

  3. Enjoyed that one a lot.Looking forward to the football antics since FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS is about my favorite series.

  4. When you said you took a walk, I immediately wondered about the temp and humidity. I'm glad you're still agile enough to keep from falling, but did you need the length of a couple of football fields to do it?

  5. Glad you ignored the step and walked.
    Football stories sound cool.
    And already have your book!

  6. I need a good routine as well.

    I say collect and sell the football stories. Most of your blog readers will buy them anyway, most likely, and you might pick up a few more on top of that.

  7. Sage, I crack myself up. :)

    Cloudia, thankee. Lana always has cameras, but when she does we don't get much exercise walking in because we walk 3 steps adn stop to shoot some pics.

    Patti, I really enjoyed the movie Friday Night Lights. I'm sure I would have liked the show but Lana had something she was watching opposite of that so I never saw it.

    Snowbrush, temp was in the high 40s. Humidity was pretty low. AS for the near fall, my legs seemed to actually remember in that moment of panic what to do. I'm amazed.

    Alex, thanks, man.

    Chris, I don't have as many football stories as I had beer stories. shows where my high school priorities lay, I suppose! :)

  8. I like your summer plan. I'm in the same boat. I started walking too. I remember how Stephen King says he does 10 pages a day and when he's done he goes out for a 5 mile walk. Awesome goal.
    Can't wait to see the football stories--my favorite sport!

  9. I have a blog pal who works in education. She calls her seasonal breaks retirement internships. Sounds like this summer is one of those for you.

    Good luck keeping to your schedule.

  10. Glad you didn't fall on your ass as well. Where do I go to find Days of Beer?

  11. Aimless Writer, five miles is a lot. I doubt I could make that but maybe can work toward it.

    Travis Cody, under any name, breaks are nice.

    Riot Kitty, me too. Days of Beer is available for both Nook and Kindle. this is the kindle link:

  12. yeah, dog and i need to resume last year's level of walks... me for weight loss, he for exercise - at 3 yo, he's still a pup... i'm just old! ;)

    football fun, can't wait

  13. Yep, and let me reiterate: DAYS OF BEER is the funniest set of anecdotes I've read in years. I have journeyed into the Touborg Sanction of yesteryear many times since paying the paltry cost of laughter on Amazon. :)

  14. Charles Gramlich sets out for a walk, hits a plank instead. ;-)

  15. Laughingwolf, I'm hoping to shed a few pounds, but mostly try to get a little of my wind back.

    Bernard, I appreciated your comments. I remember someone telling me I had to change the title for that little anecdote and I said "absolutely not." I knew someone would get it.

    Merisi, I manage such things for sure.

  16. walks... I take walks for 2 reasons: exercise and... well. i wrote a couple of stories taking place where i live, And a walk is sort of investigation abut nice places too use in my writing.

  17. Deka, I do a lot of thinking about stories on my walks as well!

  18. Downloaded DAYS OF BEER, thanks Charles. How difficult is it to switch between writing horror/fantasy and humour?

  19. Prashant, Thanks, I appreciate that. As for switching between genres, the more I do it the easier it gets, but there is always a transition period, particularly when I'm starting a "new" project that is different than what I did before. Once I've got some pages written, reading back through that material helps me switch gears into that mode fairly quickly.

  20. Thanks for your answer, Charles. I love humour and look forward to reading your next collection.
