Saturday, February 25, 2012

Days of Beer: New Cover

I'd hoped to get it done before now, but I finally got around to revising and improving the original cover for Days of Beer. You can see the results here. The title and name are larger, and they are in line with each other, as opposed to the original cover. I think the color of the title is more festive as well.

Lana took the original photo for this, and then I cropped it and added the verbiage. I did the original using the 'paint' program on my old desktop. Last night, I was having so much trouble I went and tried to work on the revision on my new laptop. I found that its 'paint' program is a revised program and is much, much, much easier to use. I'll be doing any future covers on that.

Supposedly, this version went live this morning but I notice it's not showing up yet on Amazon itself. Maybe it will in the next few days.


  1. Looks great! I'll go check Amazon. And I like that you did the cover yourself.
    Take a walk through your local book store and you'll see covers of equal (or lesser) quality so don't worry. I think it looks really good. I'd be drawn to it.

  2. Your signed cover of KILLING TRAIL remains on my desk for daily inspiration.

  3. Aimless writer, thanks. I appreciate that.

    Ron, thank you, man.

  4. Looks good, but I thought the original looked good as well.

  5. Such an enjoyable read, Charles. And the new cover is an improvement.

  6. Makes me thirsty, Charles.

  7. Awesome cover! I'll go get my copy. Congrats on finishing the hard work.

  8. Nicely done. A most entertaining read!

  9. I just looked - still the older version of the cover.

  10. Travis Erwin, it's very similar but the title and words are bigger and more centered.

    David Cranmer, thanks, man.

    Chris, drop by New Orleans again for some more Abita amber.

    Christina, thankee. I appreciate it.

    Bernard, just finished Cold Blooded. Gonna review it this evening.

    Alex, I'll have to send an email to amazon I guess.

  11. But my nook is in black and white? :)

  12. Hey, it looks great Charles. Hey wait a minute. We can buy signed copies of Killing Trail??

    How do I get one? I loved that book.

  13. Gosh! Do you carve your own quills and grind your own ink too, Charles?

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    >< } } ( ° >

  14. I really, really like it. Lana is masterful and so are you.

  15. works like a damn!

    'can you see the difference?'

    [from an old tv commercial]

  16. Sage, I thought all Nooks were color.

    Rick, no, Ron won a contest I ran and won a signed and printed copy of the cover of Killing trail. I still haven't put Killing Trail into print. I may at some point.

    Cloudia, why indeed I do. When I can take time from growing my own food and shoeing my own horses. :)

    Oceangirl, thankee much.

    Laughignwolf, the misaligned title and and author name on the original was driving me batty.

  17. Eye-catching cover, Charles. We underestimate the 'paint' programme on our PCs and laptops. I find it easier to use than, say, Corel Draw. just can't get the hang of it.

  18. Prashant, I've been able to do some pretty cool maps with it.

  19. The only complaint I've had with my new laptop (well, it's 2 years old now so I guess it's not really new anymore) is the paint program.

    On my previous laptop, the paint program allowed me to make layers and alter existing images I had made. The program on my current laptop is much more restrictive.

    I like the new cover.

  20. Vero cool pic. and design ~~ and now I want a beer to go with it ~~

  21. Charles, I'm liking it! Although now I want a beer.

    My old communications professor told me one time that you can't give a public speech about cookies and not have cookies for the audience. I'm thinking that it applies to book covers too. No beer on the cover unless you can give us a beer! :) j/k of course. Good work though

  22. I know some friends who might like that book. Hmmm....
