Saturday, December 11, 2010

Again at Novel Spaces

I'm posting again over at Novel Spaces today (12-11-2010). I've revisited a topic I mentioned here on this blog quite a while ago now. That topic is "resonance" in writing. I hope you can drop by over there for a visit.


  1. Heading there now Charles.

  2. Okay, I'm redirected!

  3. Ocean girl, JR, Sage, thankee!

  4. On my over there now, Charles. Looking forward to another stimulating post, thank you.

  5. Interesting post. Thought I'd comment over here.

    I started out reading Write with Fire as you laid it out, but after the first three chapters, I started reading subsequent ones out of order. I particularly enjoyed reading about Hemmingway more than actually reading Hemmingway. The sections on writers (as opposed to writing) was what "resonated" with me.

    Resonance is an interesting premise in that I'm often fascinated by the question of commercialization in the arts. As you laid it out, resonance seems to have more to do with what grabs a potential reader than wih the construction of the narrative itself.

    I know. I'm oversimplifying your point. But in a future post I'd look forward to your thoughts on integrating resonance with craft with respect to aesthetics, or meaning.

  6. The Golden Eagle, Leigh, thanks and thank you for commenting over there too.

    X-Dell, I believe there's a difference between what just "readers" and what writers expect in a text that they read. Resonace is definitely more for readers, although if done right they may not even notice what is going on. In that sense it's definitely primarily a commercial tool, but it can also be used to evoke symbolism in literature so it can be used for artistic purposes. I'll give some more thought to the subject.

  7. I had to check it out - your writing on Novel Spaces is always so informative. The article was no exception!
