Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Haphazard Posting

It's a bit hard to post today. I'm still thinking of the Virginia Tech shootings, still thinking of my own students, my own classes. I'm thinking of a student years ago who told me, "Doc, you know I like you. If I ever leave a message on your phone not to come to work someday, you should really stay home that day."

Anyway, my posting may start to be a bit haphazard for the next couple of weeks. I give a test on Thursday and then another very big one next week. The week after that begins our final exams, and I still need to get the David Morrell article done. It's coming along well, but I'm a little tired. And set to get more tired.

"Stay frosty," as they say.


Lucas Pederson said...

Yeah. The Virginia Tech Massacre. IT's so sad, and scary. I couldn't imagine being a teacher right now, or even a student in any school. IT's just so horrible how bad some folks can be, how awfully selfish.
I posted something on my blog about it too.
I hope everything turns out okay with those exams and tests. I can only imagine how draining they must be. Later.

Sidney said...

It really could be any time any where. Be careful.

JR's Thumbprints said...

Very understandable. I've got my irons in a few fires as well.

Steve Malley said...

Take care, Charles. Don't overextend, and don't let the recent tragedy throw you.

We'll read you again soon.

Susan Miller said...

Yeah. I was focused on something, just drowning myself in a writing and then it happened. Times like that are a shock to a system. It freezes you and makes you go there. To those kids, those parents, those teachers...and you can't even fathom what that is. Even that guy...attempting to understand where in the human brain or soul that type of desperation comes from leaves you with nothing. It is shock...it's almost as if the system can't handle it.

I do realize that the above most likely doesn't make any sense, but I think that is the point. It just doesn't make any fucking sense.

RK Sterling said...

Chilling words from your student, Charles.

Take care of yourself and get some rest as you can.

Erik Donald France said...

Stay frosty, indeed. It's an exhausting time.

nolasteve said...

It is very hard to continue the routine day-to-day activities when something of this magnitude occurs around you. 9/11 numbed us all for days. This morning, I read a letter in the Washington Post from a father of a young woman who is a senior at VT but not involved in the killings. I cannot imagine the terror that was going through him as he watched the news unfolding and did not know the fate of her child. He ended his letter as follows:

“I don't know why she was spared and others were not. I don't know if anything could have prevented this massacre. I have learned that I can't guarantee her safety or anyone else's. All I can do is be thankful that she wasn't in the line of fire and appreciate every moment I have had with her and all the moments ahead.”

For all of us, life is uncertain as best. We plan and set goals, then fate steps in and changes our lives and the landscape of our world. Katrina gave those of us in New Orleans a new set of values. In the almost two years since the storm I have seen many lives dissolve as people try to cope with their losses. I have watched, amazed, as others have latterly pulled shards of their lives from the muck and rebuilt a home for their family.

With nightmare of VT, another community has been set upon by fate. The real horror is that there will be more times where humanity or nature rips away our carefully constructed dreams.

For Charles and the rest of us, we can only hold those we love close for a moment, then move back into the flow of our lives and hope.

Clifford said...

How many more tragedies like this will it take before we make some changes, before we realize the importance of reaching out. Ah, well...be safe.

Donnetta said...

Hello, Charles. Know how you feel. So disturbing and upsetting. Take care of yourself. I'll be checking in from time to time.

ZZZZZZZ said...

It is very very tragic. Sometimes I get so angry... but you mustn't let it throw your writing... use the fuel....

Michelle's Spell said...

Too creepy for words! I get writing like that all the time in my classes -- the problem is that it's a lot like sexual harrassment -- you know when someone is joking and when someone is a threat, but it's almost impossible to prove to anyone else. I've had students who are very out there, but not scary in the least and others who write subtle things that set off alarm bells. Take care of yourself and have a good end of the semester!