Friday, March 02, 2007

New Links

I've put up a few new links that I thought I might say a bit about. The first one on my link list to the right is to "Lana's Web Page". Lana is my girlfriend, a talented artist, writer, and all around wonderful person who also has a bit of an acerbic wit. If you doubt that, check out her new blog, which is called "I'm surrounded by Idiots." (Most of the time she doesn't mean me.)

The next link is to REHupa, which stands for Robert E. Howard United Press Association, a group of psychos, nerds, dinks, and scholars of which I'm a member. (I won't tell you which category I fall into, although it may be more than one.) These guys have a lot of fun, and an occassionally bloody war, discussing Robert Howard and his works. There you'll also find links to such blogs as Fire and Sword, by Dave Hardy, who occassionally visits "Razored Zen," The Cimmerian, which I believe was the first ever blog dedicated solely to Howard, and The Two-Gun Raconteur, a journal that publishes stuff by and about Howard.

Third, I've added a link to The Dark Man, a scholarly journal of Howard studies, of which I'm an Assistant Editor.


  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    i'll be sure to check those out.

    have a nice weekend razored zen ;)

  2. Love that title for Lana's Blog. One of my favorite quotes is Dr. Evil's: "Why must I be surrounded by frickin' idiots? Somebody thrown me a bone."

  3. Cool. Lana is very talented.

  4. So now I get to check out your girlfriend. Ummm, I mean her blog. Thanks. I'll be sure to have a look.

  5. Shucks, baby--you're too kind. Of course, I could NEVER compete with you as a writer (nor would I ever try.) Your work evokes such a wide variety of emotions--and I'm NOT just being biased when I say that.
    And you're not one of the idiots, ever! You are my diamond in a sea of steaming horseshit & now that I've found you, I'm never letting go. Now we can BOTH be surrounded by idiots. :) *LOL* Welcome to my twisted, little world. Mwa ha ha!
    Love ya!

  6. Excellent -- Lana's great, too. Great links, thanks for adding them!

    p.s. Doragon's imagery there is hard not to notice, either. Whoah.

  7. Hey! Just checked your g/f's blog out. Quite an explosive rant she's got going there! Truthful too...

  8. Thanks for adding the link! I actually managed to post a new review today: "Wolf of the Steppes" by Harold Lamb.

    My blog is a bit a heartbreaker lately. I have loads of material written, but my computer is non-functional, so I need to use alternate machines (seldom a happy solution).
