Saturday, March 03, 2007

Copies and Pay

Nothing much to post today other than that I got my contributor copies for Two-Gun Bob. This was a book published late last year about Robert E. Howard. (Remember my REHupa comment from yesterday.) I had an article in it called "Robert E. Howard: A Behavioral Perspective." I know that probably sounds all psychological/sciency, but like pretty much everything in the book the article is intended for a general audience and is written in a non-academic tone. It was published by Hippocampus Press.

And, hey, they also sent me money. Now the question becomes, do I buy more books? Do I buy more beer? Do I spring for a nice dinner out somewhere? Do I sit in the corner of my office surrounded by the books I already have, drinking the beer I've already bought, eating some tuna fish that is already in the pantry, and giggle madly to myself?

Now, that's a hard choice.


  1. Being the frugal person I am, I'd opt for the latter (especially the giggling), write another book, THEN go out and buy more books. But that's just me.

    Congratulations, Charles. :)

  2. I am always in favor of giggling madly.

    Chortling, snickering, and guffawing are good variations.

    Basil R. Ratbane
    Emperor of Humor

  3. Ooh.
    Basil R. Ratbane.

    And Anna Gramm?


  4. Sounds like reason to celebrate--go on out to dinner and have a good time!

    Of course, me, I'm always looking for an excuse to celebrate and eat out because I'd rather not cook. :)

  5. Since publishing is such a rarity for me, I'd've bought more copies of Two-Gun Bob to give away to my blogger friends. Hint-hint. Just kidding. Buy yourself a beer and have a drink on me.

  6. I'm for the giggling, too. It just sound like more fun. Congratulations, Charles.

  7. Thanks, everyone. JR, I'm planning on doing that as soon as I hit the New York Times bestseller list.

  8. I'd probably opt for nine or ten days of tequila-fueled mayhem.

    Or, another personal favorite...

    Cross country crime spree.

    Congratulations on getting paid!

  9. giggle giggle....ok tuna dont know....but giggle nd beer good combo:)

  10. Congrats fella!
    Here's my advice. Drink the beer, grill a few steaks, chow down, and then write, write, write....after taking a nap, of course.

  11. Oh and...comence with the giggling if you like..

  12. It's good to have options :-> Any of them sound good to me. Congrats!

  13. Thanks everyone. Giggling has commenced.
