I started these posts on Sword & Planet and Sword &
Sorcery fiction September 16, 2023, and the page has grown in leaps &
bounds. It currently has 5800 followers and we pick up more about every day. I
want to thank all who have visited and commented. I frequently get asked by
newer folks if I’ve covered “so and so.” Sometimes I have. Since I can’t link
directly to specific posts, I decided to construct an index of what I’ve
covered, which I’ll update periodically. This lists the posts in order and
gives the specific date they appeared. If you visit the Swords & Planet
League page, you can scroll back to those specific dates to find the topics
you’re interested in. I’m posting it here but will also keep the list on my
blog: http//charlesgramlich.blogspot.com as a permanent and easily locatable
Sword and Planet League Index:
1. First post. Generic Sept 16, 2023
2. Sword & Planet (S&P) fiction, ERB’s Barsoom
series: Sept 16
3. Swordsmen in the Sky anthology, Sept 17
4. Gulliver of Mars, Sept 17
5. Otis Adelbert Kline (OAK), His Peril and Mars series, Sept
6. Lin Carter, Green Star & Callisto, Sept 19
7. OAK’s Mars stories, facsimile editions, Sept 19
8. Gardner Fox, Thief and Warrior of Llarn, Sept 20
9. First John Norman, Gor post, Sept 21
10. Norman and Gor post 2, Sept 22
11. Norman and Gor post 3, Sept 23
12. Michael Moorcock’s Mars/Kane series, Sept 24
13. Mike Resnick, Ganymede series, Sept 25
14. Robert E. Howard (REH), Almuric, Sept 26
15. Ken Bulmer/Alan Burt Akers (ABA), A Sword for Kregen, Sept
16. Bulmer/Akers, the Prescot series, Sept 28
17. Bulmer/Akers, Prescot, 2nd post Sept 28
18. Bulmer/Akers, Prescot, 3rd post, Sept 29
19. Bulmer/Akers, Prescot 4th post, Sept 30
20. Dray Prescot stories and pastiche work, Oct 1, 2023
21. Charles Allen Gramlich (CAG) Talera series, Oct 2
22. CAG, S&P stories, Empire of Sol, Strange worlds,
Machineries of Mars, Oct 3
23. Charles Nuetzel, Sword & Planet work, Oct 4
24. Reprint of Swords of Kregen post at Black Gate, Oct 4
25. Alex Dain, Bane of Kanthos, Oct 5
26. Moorcock & Joe Lansdale S&P stories, Sojan &
Warrior Star, Oct 6
27. S&P photos and collections covers, Oct 7
28. Del Dowdell, Spearmen of Arn & Ghandor, Oct 8
29. Manly Wade Wellman, Early S&P work, Sojarr of Titan,
Oct 9
30. ERB’s Venus series, Oct 10
31. ERB’s Moon series, Oct 11
32. Lin Carter, Thongor, Oct 12
33. Carter’s Worlds’ End series, Oct 13
34. Carter’s Zanthadon, Oct 14.
35. Mike Siroto, Dannus series and Berbora, Oct 15
36. Sirota, General stuff on Oct 16
37. Henry Kuttner, Land of the Earthquake, Oct 17
38. Howie Bently, Snake men’s Bane and Dim blue sun, Oct 18
39. Leigh Brackett and Eric John Stark, Oct 19
40. Brackett and Edmond Hamilton, with more of Stark, Oct 20
41. Brackett’s other work, Oct 21
42. Flash Gordon, Oct 22
43. Flash Gordon, post 2, Oct 23
44. Edmond Hamilton and space opera, Crashing Suns, Oct 24
45. Hamilton and the Kaldar S&P stories, Oct 25
46. Hamilton and Kaldar and other Hamilton tales, Oct 26
47. C. L. Moore, Jirel and Northwest smith, Oct 27
48. CAG and Brackett/Moore, Under the Ember Star, Oct 28
49. Repost by Black gate of my Ken Bulmer and Kregen post, Oct
50. Some books I hadn’t read, Lin Carter, Coleman Burroughs,
Flash Gordon, Oct 29
51. CAG, “One Wicked Evening on Mars, Halloween story by me,
Oct 31
52. Jack Vance, Tschai series, Nov 1
53. Jack Vance, post 2, general stuff, Nov 2
54. S. M. Stirling, Crimson Kings and his Venus book, S&P
revival, Nov 3
55. Al Sarrantino, Masters of Mars trilogy, Nov 4
56. Books about ERB, Lupoff’s Master of Adventure & Flint
Roy’s Guide to Barsoom, Nov 5
57. Boris Vallejo, cover art, Nov 6
58. Boris post 2, more cover art, Broken Sword, Some Gor
stuff, Nov 7
59. Neil Barrett Jr., Aldair series and uplift stuff, (Breed
to Come, Norton), Nov 8
60. Andy Offutt, My Lord Barbarian, Nov 9
61. Under the Moons of Mars, ERB tribute anthology, Nov 10
62. Under the Moons of Mars antho, the awful Peter Beagle
story, and more, Nov 11
63. Andy Offutt, Ardor on Aros and his John Cleve crusader
stuff, Nov 12
64. Offutt, S&P works, Andor and Zhuvastou, Nov 13
65. Offutt’s Conan and REH pastiche stuff, Nov 14
66. Offutt as editor, Swords against Darkness, Nov 15
67. Wallace Moore (Conway) Balzan series, Nov 16
68. Andre Norton, introduction post, Nov 17
69. Norton and Breed to come, with CAG’s Razored Land as
uplift story, Nov 18
70. Norton, Star guard and Janus books, Nov 19
71. Norton and the Witch world series, Nov 20
72. Norton, various, including Eye of the Monster, Nov 21
73. Reprint of Bane of Kanthos piece on Black Gate, Nov 22
74. CAG shelfie of REH stuff, Nov 22
75. CAG shelfie of various fantasy, Nov 22
76. CAG shelfie of Koontz, King and classics, Nov 22
77. CAG shelfie of TBR piles, Nov 22
78. Andre Norton, Star Gate only, Nov 23
79. Stuart Byrne, Thundar Man of 2 Worlds, Nov 24
80. Dave Van Arnam, Star Barbarian, Lord of Blood, Nov 25
81. Joel Jenkins, Dire Planet series, Nov 26
82. Gardner Fox, Kyrik series (mentions Charles Saunders
Trail of Bohu), Nov 27
83. Gardner Fox, Kothar and Niall, Nov 28
84. Old Mars anthology, Nov 29
85. Philip Jose Farmer, World of Tiers, Nov 30
86. Farmer, Red Orc’s Rage, Dec 1
87. Farmer, Two Hawks from Earth, Dec 2
88. Farmer, ERB pastiches, Hadon of Opar, Tarzan heart of
time, A Feast Unknown, Dec 3
89. Farmer’s pastiches part 2, Doc Savage & Tarzan
“bios,” Escape from Loki, Dec 4
90. Farmer, various, mostly book covers, Dec 5
91. Chess in S&P fiction, Chessmen of Mars, Dec 6
92. Chess in S&P fiction, part 2. Kaissa and Jikaida
(Gor, Kregen) Dec 7
93. CAG, Chess in the Talera series, Dec 8
94. Chess and other games in Fantasy & SF, Pawn to Infinity,
Unicorn Variation, Dec 9
95. Robert Adams, Horseclans part 1, Dec 10
96. Adams, Horseclans part 2, Dec 11
97. Adams, Stairway to Forever and Castaways in Time series,
Dec 12
98. Adams edited Anthos, Barbarians 1 and 2, Dec 13
99. Robert Moore Williams, Zanthar and Jongar, Dec 14
100. R. M. Williams, mostly Zanthar, Dec 15
101. William R. Forstchen, Rally Cry series, Dec 16
102. Forstchen, other books and one second after series, Dec
103. Narrative drive, using ERB and Harlan Coben as
examples, Dec 18
104. ERB and Tarzan, part 1, Dec 19
105. ERB and Tarzan, part 3, Dec 20
106. ERB, Time Forgot series, Dec 21
107. ERB, Westerns, Dec 22
108. ERB, Mucker, Rider, Oakdale affair, Dec 23
109. ERB’s Hollow Earth part 1, Pellucidar series, Dec 24
110. ERB’s Hollow earth part 2, Carter’s Zanthadon and the
mammoth cave tale, Dec 25
111. ERB pastiches, Mahars Pellucidar, Bunduki, Tarzan Lost Adventure
(Lansdale), Dec 26
112. Mary Norton’s Borrower series, Dec 27
113. Little people series, The Littles, the Micronauts,
Tenn’s Men & Monsters, Dec 28
114. Ralph Milne Farley, Venus books, Radio series, Dec 29
115. Reprint of my Gardner Fox & Llarn post at Black
gate, Dec 29
116. Gil Kane, Blackmark Graphic novel, Dec 30
117. End of year retrospective, Dec 31
118. Lin Carter editor, Flashing Sword series part 1, Jan 2,
119. Lin Carter editor, Flashing Sword series part 2, Jan 3,
120. Jeffrey Lord (House name), Blade series, Jan 4
121. Blade series part 2 and Roland Green (Wandor series), Jan
122. Adrian Cole, Dream series and short stories, Jan 6
123. Adrian Cole in anthologies, with CAG, Jan 7
124. ERB’s non fantasy, Efficiency Expert, Girl Hollywood,
Girl Farris, Jan 9
125. Michael Crichton, Particularly Eaters of the Dead, Jan 10
126. Ken Bulmer as Manning Norvil, Odan trilogy, Jan 11
127. Von Daniken, Chariots of the Gods, Also Churchward’s
Mu, Jan 13
128. James Silke, & Frank Frazetta, Death Dealer series,
Jan 14
129. John Maddox Roberts, Conan pastiches, Jan 15
130. JM Roberts as Mark Ramsey, Falcon series and others, Jan
131. Chris Carlsen (Robert Holdstock), Berserker trilogy, Jan
132. CAG, Skyrim RPG game, Jan 19
133. Heroic fantasy/ heroic historical subgenre defined,
illustrated, Jan 20
134. Heroic historical part 2, Jan 21
135. Karl Wagner, editor for Echoes of Valor anthology
trilogy, Jan 23
136. L. Sprague De Camp, Spell of Seven anthology, Jan 24
137. An S&P quiz, match world with author, Jan 26
138. S&P quiz answers, Jan 27
139. Two S&S Anthos, Savage Heroes and Heroic Fantasy, Jan
140. 3 Marvel Conan comic book collections in paperback, Jan
141. John Jakes and Brak, Jan 30
142. John Jakes, other works, Feb 1
143. Avon fantasy reader anthologies, Feb 3
144. Swordsmen and Supermen anthology, Feb 4
145. Reprint of my Andy Offutt and Swords against Darkness
post at Black Gate, Feb 5
146. Warlocks and Warriors antho, De camp editor, Feb 6.
147. Warlocks and Warriors antho, Douglas Hill editor,
mentions Moorcock, Feb 7
148. Charles Saunders and Imaro, Feb 8
149. 2 de camp edited Anthos, Swords & Sorcery and The
Fantastic Swordsmen, Feb 10
149. The Dark of the Soul antho, Feb 11 (CAG with Flu)
150. 2 S&S
Anthos, Hans Santesson editor, Mighty Barbarians, Mighty Swordsmen, Feb 13
151. The Barbarian Swordsmen antho, Sean Richards editor, Feb
152. Seth Lindberg, Dyscrasia fiction, Feb 17
153. High Fantasy definition and examples, part 1, Tolkien,
Eddison, Dunsany, Feb 19
154. High Fantasy part 2, George Martin, Stephen Donaldson,
J. K. Rowling, Feb 20
155. Young Blood antho, Feb 23
156. Bigfoot, Sword of the Earthman, graphic collection, Feb
157. Dennis McKiernan, Iron tower series, Feb 27
158. Motorhead and Deaf Forever Lyrics, (CAG still with
flu), Feb 29
159. Lin Carter editor, Year’s Best Fantasy post 1, March 2
160. Lin Carter Editor, Year’s Best Fantasy post 2, March 3
161. Carter, Grail Undwin & Year’s Best Fantasy, March 4
162. Eternal City antho, David Drake editor, March 7
163. Karl Edward Wagner (KEW) and Kane part 1, March 9
164. KEW and Kane part 2, March 10
165. KEW poetry, March 11
166. KEW and his horror stories, March 12
167. KEW and REH pastiches, Road of Kings, Legion from the Shadows,
March 14
168. KEW and some hardback books, miscellaneous. March 16
169. Poul Anderson part 1, Viking related books, March 19
170. Poul Anderson part 2, Flandry series and The Broken
Sword, March 21
171. Anderson and his Conan pastiche, with more on Andy
Offutt’s Conan, March 23
172. Anderson and The Broken Sword specifically, March 24
173. Anderson and other fantasy, and various, March 26
174. Anderson and Short stories, Fantasy and Queen of Air
and Darkness, March 27
175. Heroes of fantasy quiz, match hero with author, March
176. Answers to Heroes of Fantasy quiz, March 30
177. A personal rant on “purple prose” in fantasy, March 31
178. David C. Smith and REH, Bran and Black Vulmea, April 2
179, Smith and REH part 2, Red Sonja paperback series, April
180. David C. Smith’s original work, Oron and others, April
181. Smith part 4, Fall of the First World series and his
horror, April 7
182. Becoming a reader part 1, Grapes of Wrath, Great
Gatsby, etc, April 9
183. Becoming a reader part 2, the King James Bible, The
Odyssey etc. April 10
184. TOR and their Conan covers, April 12
185. CAG, S&S anthology appearances, Krieg specifically,
April 13
186. Norvil Page, Wan Tengri books, April 15
187. Norvil Page post 2, the Spider books, April 16
188. Reprint of Andre Norton post by Black Gate, April 17
189. Asimov’s Magical World of Fantasy antho, April 19
190. Matching quiz, authors and pseudonyms, April 23
191. Answers to authors & pseudonyms Quiz, April 25
192. Michael Moorcock part 1, Eternal Warrior and Elric,
April 27
193. Michael Moorcock part 2, More Elric, hardbacks. April
194. Michael Moorcock part 3, Hawkmoon series, April 30
195. Moorcock part 4, Corum series, May 2
196. Moorcock part 5, Eternal Champion trilogy, May 4
197. Moorcock part 6, various, music influence and comics, May
198. Gordon Shirreffs and Calgaich, as well as westerns, May
199. Gil Kane, Sword of the Atom graphic collection, May 9
200. Alan Moore’s work, The Watchmen, May 11
201. Philip Jose Farmer, The Mad Goblin and Lord of the Trees,
May 13
202. Fritz Leiber, part 1, Fafhrd, Gray Mouser, May 15
203. Fritz Leiber part 2, Fafhrd, Gray Mouser, Leiber vs
REH, May 16
204. Leiber part 3, vs REH, nonfiction essays, May 17
205. Leiber part 4, Fafhrd, Gray mouser comic stuff, and
other novels, May 18
206. S&P comics, Planet Hulk, Skaar, May 20
207. Swords & Sails, Interplanetary, Treasure planet,
Swasbucklers, etc, May 22
208. Lines I wish I’d written part 1, taken from fantasy
stories, May 24
209. John Russell Fearn, Mars series (4 books), May 26
210. Reprint of a 2nd Andre Norton post at Black
Gate, May 27
211. Moorcock and Elric tribute anthology, May 29
212. Paragraphs I wish I’d written, Bradbury, Jackson,
Howard, etc, May 31
213. Killraven graphic collections, June 2
214. Roger Zelazny post 1, Amber Chronicles, June 4
215. Zelazny post 2, Dilvish and other books, June 5
216. John Maddox Roberts, post about his death, June 6
217. Pathfinder graphic novel, with mention of CAG Heroica
Skirmishers story, June 8
218. Hugh Walker and Magira, June 10
219. Heroes of fantasy with 4 and 5 letter names June 12
220. Lyndon Perry, Sword of Otrim, June 14
221. John Christopher and the Tripods, post 1, June 15
222. John Christopher post 2, June 17
223. Reprint of Joel Jenkins and Dire planet post at Black
Gate, June 18
224. David Mason and Kavin, June 19
225. Robert Jordan and his Conan pastiches, June 21
226. Index to the page, covering to this point, June 22
227. Sean Moore, Conan and Kull pastiches. June 23
228. Leonard Carpenter’s Conan Pastiches, June 25
229. James Reasoner, Post 1: General and westerns, June 27.
230. James Reasoner, post 2, fantasy work, June 28.
231. Jack Vance’s Dying Earth, with Influence on Lin
Carter’s Worlds End books, June 30.
232. Jungle Girl comic, July 2, 2024
233. Scott Oden, Post 1. Intro and his Historical fiction.
July 3
234. Scott Oden, post 2. Mostly his fantasy work. July 5
235. Where Past Haunts the Present, Heroic fantasy as one of
the oldest types of story. Mentions Merritt, Haggard, Caball, and many others.
July 7, 2024.
236. Post link to Swords & Heroes site where my tale,
“Eye of the Beholder” appears. July 9.
237. Jack London post 1, general information on life and
death. July 11.
238. Jack London post 2, General writing. July 12
239. Jack London and REH, post 1. London’s SF/Fantasy,
particularly the Star Rover and influence on REH. July 13.
240. Jack London and REH, post 2, personality similarities
with REH. July 15.
241. John Christopher & the Sword of the Spirits
trilogy. July 17.
242. Black Gate
reprints my Kothar, Kyrik and Niall post by Gardner Fox. July 18.
243. Rusty Burke & Short Biography of REH, July 21.
244. C. E. Owston & The Scarlet Skull, July 23.
245. Ramsey Campbell Post 1, general info. July 25.
246. Ramsey Campbell Post 2, Ryre stories. Far Away &
Never. July 26.
247. Ramsey Campbell and REH, Solmon Kane connection. July 27.
248. Mystery of J. F. Rivkin and Silverglass series, July
249. John C. Hocking's Conan work, July 31.
250. John Morressy, August 1
251. David Gemmell, post 1, introductory stuff, August 4.
252. David Gemmell post 2, August 5.
253. Black Gate Reprints my John C. Hocking post, August 6.
254. David Gemmell post 3, Stones of Power and Rigante
series, August 7.
255. Gemmell post 4, his later works, August 9.
256. Harold Lamb post 1, general and books, August 11.
257. Janet Morris Obituary and retros pectus, August 12.
258. Harold Lamb part 2, shorter fiction, August 14.
259. Return to school and some favorite lines from literary
fiction, August 17.
260. Ray Bradbury, S is for Space, R is for Rocket,
Dandelion Wine, August 19.
261. Author Pseudonyms part 1, Andre Norton & more.
August 22.
262. Black Gate Reprints my brief review of the Old Mars
anthology, August 23.
263. Pseudonyms part 2, Dean Koontz, Stephen King &
more, August 24.
264. Black Gate reprints my Janet Morris obituary, August
265. Pseudonyms part 3, my work for Wolfpack Publishing,
August 26.
266. Dungeons &
Dragons & Gary Gygax, Lana's post, August 27.
267. Piers Anthony (Battle Circle and others), August 30.
268. The Invisible Writer. Why I don’t like “transparent
Prose,” September 2.
269. Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series, by Charles and
Lana, September 4.
270. Jordan’s Wheel of Time, Celtic myth connections, Lana
Gramlich, September 6.
271. Juantia Coulson. Mostly her Web of Wizardry & Death
God’s Citadel books. Sept 8.
272. Arthur O’ Friel and Time Lost books. Tiger River and
Pathless Trail, September 11.
273. Black Gate reprints The World of Tiers and Beyond:
Philip Jose Farmer, Part I, Sept 13.
274. I Dream of Heroes, (Heroic Fantasy Dream of mine).
September 17.
275. RAI, the graphic novel collection from Valiant Comics,
September 21.
276. Black Gate reprints part 2 of my Philip Jose Farmer
posts. September 23.
277. Lost Race Stories part 1, Arthur O. Friel, September
278. Lost Race Stories part 2, Lost World by Doyle,
September 27.
279. Health update and placeholder post, October 1.
280. We are Legends review by Darrell Scweitzer, October 3.
281. Quest of the Dark Lady (Quinn Reade) and Quest of Kadji
(Lin Carter), two fantasy books with reused cover. October 5.
282. Ray Bradbury’s 3 poetry collections, October 7.
283. Black Gate reprints my Chess in S&P fiction post,
October 15.
284. Robert Silverberg, Juvenile SF, Conquerors from the
Darkness, Time of the Great Freeze, Starman’s Quest, October 21.
285. Tigers of the Sea collection by Robert E. Howard,
October 23.
286. REH and Baen Cormac Mac Art, October 26.
287. G. Firth Scott’s Last lemurian (lost race), October 28.
288. Black Gate reprints my part 2 of Chess in Sword &
Planet fiction, October 29.
289. Chess in S&P fiction addendum: Lin Carter and
Callisto series, November 1.
290. Ben Haas, The Sword of Morning Star and Exile’s Quest,
November 4.
291. Ben Haas part 2, A Hack’s Notebook, with comments on
John Benteen. November 7.
292. Norman Winski and The Sword and the Sorcerer movie
novelization, with discussion of Winski’s other works. November 10.
293. Black Gate reruns my Chess in S&P fiction, part
III. Zelazny & Pawn to Infinity. Nov 12.
294. C. M. Gilbert and the Ozine Conquest: The Mystery of
Gilbert. November 14.
295. Bruce Boston: Obituary and poetical and short story
works that I’ve read. Nov 17.
296. Alan Dean Foster part 1: His work with Star Wars, his
Star Trek Log series, some of his other novelizations like The Thing, and some
of his original work. November 21.
297. Alan Dean Foster part 2: Fantasy work, Krull, Clash of
the Titans, Luana, & Chronicles of Riddick. November 25.
298. Black Gate reruns my Robert Adams posts, about his
Horseclans, Castaways in Time, and Stairway to Forever series. November 27.
299. Conan Little Golden Book, with commentary on other
Golden books, including Star Trek, November 29.
300. Jeffrey M. Wallman Post 1, Death Trek, December 3.
301. Jeffrey M. Wallman Post 2, other work, December 5.
302. William Goldman, Princess Bride & Movie, December
303. William Goldman post 2 & “As you like it,” about
making the movie, December 10.
304. Black Gate reruns my essay on Robert Adams edited
Barbarians 1 and 2, Dec 12.
305. Glen Cook Part 1, Black Company, December 14.
306. Glen Cook Part 2, Dread Empire, December 16.
307. Glen Cook Part 3, Other Fantasy series,
Instrumentalities and Darkwar, December 19.
308. Glen Cook Part 4, Stand alone fantasy and some SF, December 22.
309. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays: Book pics of things
to come. December 25.
310. Black Gate reruns Part 4 of my Chess ins S&P
fiction. Lin Carter’s Callisto. Dec 27.
311. Barrington Bayley and Star Winds novel, December 30.
312. Black Gate Reruns my Robert Moore Williams piece on his
Zanthar books. January 1.
313. Alan E. Nourse, Raiders from the Rings and Trouble on
Triton, January 3, 2025
314. Samuel R. Delany, Post 1, Talking to him on the phone.
January 5.
315. Samuel Delany Post 2: His fantasy work set on Nevèrÿon. January 7.
316. Samuel
Delany, Post 3: Dhalgren, concept and controversy. January 10.
317. Black Gate
reprints my piece on William Forstchen and the Lost Regiment, January 11.
318. Black Gate
reprints my piece on ERB and the Masters of Narrative Drive (contains mention
of Harlan Coben), January 16.
319. Donald E.
McQuinn and his Moondark trilogy, post apocalyptic reversion to primitive societies,
set in the Pacific Northwest, January 18.
320. Charles
John Cutcliffe Wright Hyne and his book The Lost Continent (Atlantis), January
321. David
Jarrett and Witherwing book, cover by Frazetta, January 22.
322. Black Gate
reruns a compendium of my posts on ERB, January 24.
323. John Turman
and his Saxon and the Sorceress (S&S mixed with S&P), January 28.
1 comment:
Charles, I so hope that you're okay.
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