Sunday, November 22, 2015

In Their Glory

Fiddling around with a poem today. Not quite sure where it might be going. Here's what I've got so far.

I see the wolves of winter
in their glory,
wearing coats of blood.
As black eyes flame to blue,
they bare the teeth that
bring justice to the night.

I see the feral horses of hell.
I hear the saber rattle
of iron hooves on stone.
Their eyes roil with desire
to sow their foes destruction
and reap them of life.


TD@15135 said...

Power filled images! Press on! Readers await.

Cloudia said...

That is very much as i imagine your inner world, Charles


Charles Gramlich said...

R. T., thanks, man

Cloudia, pretty much!

Prashant C. Trikannad said...

Charles, I get a clear mental imagery from your "fantasy" poem.

pattinase (abbott) said...

What Cloudia said. Exactly.

Charles Gramlich said...

Prashant, excellent!

Patti, it is a wild and crazy place.

Oscar Case said...

Descriptive and with good imagery.

Charles Gramlich said...

Oscar, thankee, man

X. Dell said...

For some reason, I can't think of anything else but my own aging when reading this.

sage said...

Interesting images of destruction on the horizon, or do the wolves and horses fight it out?

Charles Gramlich said...

X. Dell, that's rather sad, my friend.

Sage, I think that is exactly where it is headed

Vesper said...

I just LOVE this, Charles! Very good! This is... you. Write on, very good indeed.

Charles Gramlich said...

Vesper, thanks. Glad you enjoyed

Riot Kitty said...

Wow, that's impressive.

Rick Robinson said...

Pretty grim, Charles, considering it's Thanksgiving, but a very happy Thanksgiving to you.

Charles Gramlich said...

Riot Kitty, thankee!

Richard R. lol. True. Guess I'm always that way

BernardL said...

Stark imagery. That's good fooling around.

jodi said...

Charles-I love wolves! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Lana!

Erik Donald France said...

Cool ~ I dig it.