Midnight in Rosary...............
Tales of Crimson and Black...................
Predation is in the bones, in the marrow. Even when sated a carnivore will still hunt. It wants the wet taste of life, the sweetness of watermelon flesh. Its need to kill isn't rational. And it won't be denied its blood.
Midnight in Rosary is out. It was released yesterday and I’ve finally had a moment to savor and appreciate it. I’m proud of this collection of vampire and werewolf tales. Naturally I’d like everyone to read it. But I want you to know in case you do that it’s a little different than the other stuff you may have read by me.
These stories are not heroic fantasy like the Talera novels or Bitter Steel. Some of them are horror, although not as graphic as Cold in the Light. Most would be defined as dark fantasy or Urban Fantasy. And there is quite a lot of sex, which ranges from the graphic to the romantic. The characters in these stories are much more conflicted than Ruenn MacLang (Talera) or Thal Kyrin (Bitter Steel). They carry a lot more doubt around with them. Many of them have made bad mistakes and they are paying for those mistakes every day. With their blood. With their souls.
Here are some of the story titles:
Wanting the Mouth of a Lover
The Cold of Snow and Ghosts
In Memory of the Sun
The Poetry of Blood
River Road; Night Music
Innocent Little Sin
If you’d like to read the book, you can find it at:
Barnes & Noble
Or Amazon:
It’s a bit cheaper at Barnes & Noble at the moment.
And I hope you’ll bear with me while I talk about the book more over the next few days.
Best wishes to all,
Oh, real vampires and real werewolves! There is hope! Hope hyou climb the bestseller list to the top ;)
Congratulations Charles. I liked the cover. I just received my Live High blog2print book by mail, it took more than a month to arrive but it finally did.
I like the cover. If this was in a book store, that cover would definitely make me stop to check it out.
This makes #2 on my list of books I need to buy this year.
I want to see that the monsters are alive and well. Heh!
Hmmm...I may but this for my wife. She's more into Gothic urban fantasy than I am. Still, I do enjoy werewolves quite a bit...
You're opening paragraph is pretty strong and makes this sound interesting even though I've never really gotten into the vampire genre.
That sounds amazing, Charles. I am intrigued.
Deka, I appreciate that. I hope it does well myself.
Ocean girl, that's cool. I hope you are posting about it so we can have a look.
G., that puts me on a bestseller list, I think. :)
Harry, there are several pretty nasty vamps in here. There's even one ghost, the first ghost story I ever wrote.
Tom, there's definitely an undercurrent of urban fantasy in some of the stories. Sort of what urban fantasy was before it became big with laurell Hamilton.
Sage, I was actually surprised when I went to put this collection together at how many vampire stories I'd really written.
Patti, thankee. There's a fair variety in the collection.
I agree with the prior comments. The cover is very distinctive. You'll need to promote - so blog away with plenty of excerpts.
You've got me interested. I just asked B&N to make it available for the Nook.
Bernardl, yeah, now the hard part starts. The promoting!
Ron, thankee. Every request helps.
Congratulations, Charles!
And I don't think the cover is bad at all, Charles. Gods and Heaven were much, much worse!
That's certainly an interesting book cover. I'm looking forward to hearing what you've got to say about this issue.
Candy, thankee for the kind words.
JR., more coming up soon. Thanks for dropping by.
Thanks Charles. I'm only being honest.
It sounds like an interesting book--and the cover does catch your eye!
wow, congratulations, Charles.
vampires repel me, but i'm all in for werevolves.
if you need a translator to have it published in Hungarian, please consider contacting me :)
I'm thinking this might be a good birthday gift. These sound like the kinds of stories Pam likes.
Deka, Thumbs up!
The Golden Eagle, thankee.
SzélsőFa, hey thanks. That's an idea. I appreciate that.
Travis Cody, I have a feeling many of them may be generally more appealing to women than to men, although I hope both genders will like them.
Charles it sounds like a great read and I know you will bring your unique talents to bear on it. You are a wonderful writer a man with a hugely eclectic sense of the universe, this is one for my reading list.
A new book! Hot damn!
Charles-i think this is going to be really BIG for you. Congrats to you and Miss Lana.
Richard Godwin, thanks for the kind words, man. I've been told I should focus focus focus on just one area or genre. By now I know that's not going to happen. I love too many different things.
Randy Johnson, lol. Thanks, man! That comment makes my day.
jodi, thankee. It is closer in many ways to what is popular right now.
Congratulations, honeydumplins! You rock. :)
Great news!
Is there a particular order of the books?
Lana, you sweet.
Evan, you're sweet too, though not as sweet as Lana. :)
Little Messy Missy. This collection is a stand alone. Some of the stories are part of a series and are in order in the book. The only novel series I have is the Taleran books, with Swords, Wings, and Witch. All the other stuff is standalone. Thanks for dropping by.
Oh, how cool - I didn't kow you had a new book coming out. Congrats. :)
Kate, thanks. I wasn't sure exactly when It was coming out. Was published a bit earlier than I expected.
Congrats on your new book!
Halcyon, thanks. And thanks for dropping by.
Major congratulations! Excellent! And I love the title~~
Congratulations, Charles! I'll keep an eye out for it on this side of the pond.
Erik, I'm pretty fond of the title too. It has a nice ring.
Mary Witzl, I know someone told me it was up on Amazon UK but I actually haven't checked on that yet.
grats on the newest pub, charles!
will be looking for this, but not for a while... need to pack up and move to a new place, once i find one!
Hi Charles,
I'm so late on catching up on blogs. I was glancing down google reader, saw this post, and was excited to swing in. Yay! I've been anticipating this one! A collection of Gramlich vampire/werewolf stories is something I wouldn't miss for the world. I will definitely be purchasing and I'll put up a link and pic on the side bar of my site somewhere. Congrats, my friend!
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