As for the Louisiana Book Festival, Lana and I had a great time. We went up on Friday evening for the opening party, which was held at the State Library and offered a variety of wonderful foods, including delicious fried catfish, shrimp, and a chocolate fountain that Lana was very appreciative of.
My talk on Saturday morning went well. I only had about 8 folks in the audience, 6 of whom were teen aged girls. I wondered if they had been mislead by the title of my talk, about “Witch” of Talera. But they were attentive and took notes, and a couple of them even asked questions at the end so that was nice. I then had my signing at the Barnes & Noble tent and they had plenty of copies of my books. I was not the busiest author there but most folks signing didn’t have a lot of people vying for their books. I did sign some for the store as well.
After that, Lana and I wandered around. She took many, many pictures, of which I will feature a few here. The Capitol grounds are quite lovely and the building itself is amazing. There were a lot of cool booths and some very fine Zydeco music. There were a few couple dancing and that was quite entertaining as well. Naturally, I bought a few books.
When I finally did get home it was to find that Arkansas was giving Florida all they could handle in football. In fact, Arkansas should have won that game. Our kicker missed two field goals. Florida won by three points. There was also a couple of horrible penalties against Arkansas on one Florida drive that helped them score a touchdown to tie the game against the Razorbacks. As you can imagine, I was doing some serious ranting at the TV.
I started to load some of the pics but blogger doesn't seem to be cooperating so I'm going to post this and then try to upload more pics later!
Congratulations with the Hint Fiction anthology, Charles!
The Louisiana Book Festival sounds like it went well for you.
Congrats on the hint fiction piece and sounds like you and Lana had a great time.
Arkansas should have had that upset. But even though it's small consolation, I see a great future for the Razorbacks. You've got at least another season with Mallett and I think he's the real deal.
Congrats on being picked for the Hint Fiction. So few words, yet very difficult to do. I ended up not submitting anything. And yes, you are definitely in good company.
I'm impresssed Mr. Charles. I woulda been at the fountain o' choclate with Ms. Lana!!
Congrats, and what a fun weekend!
Congratulations! I'd attend any kind of festival in Louisana just for the food.
Great captured-moment pic. I saw it on Lana's blog first.
It sounds like you had a good time. In that one picture, with you and your books, you look as if you've conjured them up, in front of you, as if by magic. It's great that you had a piece chosen for the Hint Fiction Anthology. My name has appeared with one of those writers, but that was way back in 1978 in a fanzine.
Barbara, thanks. It was fun.
Travis Erwin, it was good to take a bit of a trip with Lana. She's a trooper. SO helplful.
Travis, I agree. Mallett has some great great potential and we've got sme really good recievers and hard workers on the team.
JR., yeah, hint fic, as oppossed to trying for a six word story, is tough.
Jodi, I had some of the choco myself and it was pretty good.
Steve Malley, thanks. Good times for all.
Sage, you said it. Making my mouth water for some of the food now.
Sid, I didn't realize Lana had used the same one until after I'd posted this, but I like that pic quite a bit.
Jack, yeah, Lana can really take awesome pics.
so you don't wear the leather chaps to literary events?!
Congrats on the Hint Fiction anthology, Charles. I am sure yours is as original as you are.
Congrats on the anthology!
I'm quite taken by that statue... do you know what it represents?
Congrats on getting into the anthology. That's terrific. And I know what it's like to have small turnouts - I've had as few as four people. Just makes it more cozy, I always say.
And at least you're not rooting for the Dodgers (at at least I don't think you are) = they're losing 5-0 and it's only the bottom of the 2nd.
Congratulations. And I can just imagine the wonderful time you have with Lana; going to a work festival with your business partner who is also your soul mate.
wonderful news, charles, getting right up there with some heavy hitters!
i'm sure your sales will pick up, now...
I had a wonderful time with you, baby. You make me so proud. :)
Glad you had a good time, Charles. If you were early in the morning, the sessions usually are small. Sorry I wasn't able to attend and hear your talk. Leaving my mom is getting far too difficult.
And congrats on the being selected for the anthology!
benjibopper, I've considered it. But this seemed a bit higher falutin than I'm used to.
pattinase, now you've made me blush.
Anndi, I'm not sure. It was quite powerful up close. And had an almost sensuous element.
Laurie Powers, as long as I've got 2 or 3 I'm usually satisfied. I'm not really much of a baseball fan. I hardly ever watch it.
Ocean Girl, she's the one that got me invited in the first place. she really helps me out.
laughingwolf, that would be nice. Maybe I could get STraub or Lansdale to endorse me!
Lana Gramlich, it's all thanks to you sweetness.
Candy, thanks. Yes, the anthology was a very nice surprise.
Included in Hint Fiction with the likes of Joyce Carol Oates. I would kill for that!
Looks and sounds like a great time. We don't seem to have anything like that around here. Just a local arts festival at CC now and then.
In the company of such greats as Peter Straub... I'm very impressed. Congrats!
I agree. You are in some very good company on the anthology. It's nice to read the book festival turned out to be a positive experience.
ivan, well, I did. You'll never believe who I had to kill. :)
Randy Johnson, it's a cool event and it is growing bigger every year. Course, folks in Louisiana love to party, even those who like to read.
Gaston Studio, I believe Straub is one of our greatest living writers so it is indeed a nice thing.
BernardL, the volunteers were wonderful too. We had a good crew helping us out.
Congratulations, Charles!
I loved the Book Fair on the Washington Mall, with the Capitol as a background (and Joyces Carol Oates signing books, among others). I imagine the fun you must have had and envy Lana for the opportunity to dunk in the chocolate fountain. ;-)
Congrats on the anthology!
I'm with Lana-- love those chocolate fountains! Lititz, PA, home of the Wilbur Chocolate factory, has a chocolate cafe where a chocolate fountain runs all day, every day. Heaven...
(Just wish we lived closer...)
Good job you only had 'Witch' in the title & not 'Twilight' - it could have turned out differently ;)
I am afraid the links did not work for me - I'll try again later.
Loved the photograph of the monument!
Merisi, Lana got me to try the chocolate fountain and it was indeed quite good.
Aine, that's almost too much of a good thing.
Miladysa, indeed, I'm going to call my next book Twilight on Talera
Congratulations on the Hint Fiction Anthology!
I'm glad you and Lana had a great time at the festival. :-)
go for it, charles, would be awesome :)
Wow! Well done you! The Festival sure sounded fun.
A chocolate fountain eh?
Excellent news about the antho -- congrats! :D
Congrats on Hint Fiction!
Congrats on a good literary weekend...and CHOCOLATE, yum!
Aloha, Friend!
Comfort Spiral
Vesper, thankee!
laughingwolf, next book I have coming out I'm going to try.
Middle Ditch, thanks. Indeed it was.
Angie, thanks, I appreciate that.
H.E.Eigler, thanks. I'm pretty happy about it.
Cloudia, it was definitely a good weekend.
glad the festival went well and congrats on the Hint Fiction acceptance! sounds like it will be a good collection.
Congratulations! Getting printed in the same covers as Peter Straub and Joyce Carol Oates is defintitely a milestone.
Just saying hello to you and Lana. I'm hangng in here... in the DJ booth after a huge lunch rush. Gotta say, if you and Lana are ever in Hot Springs, come by Lucky's on the Central strip and I'll make you two the best Pizza you ever had.
Yep, I'm using all the years of Pizza delivery to my advantage; now that I'm running a kitchen, I'm working on making the best tasting pizza in this side of the state. However, if I'm going to get rich off it, I need to quit working here...
yeah, rich... I only need enough money to pay for school so as to not have any anxiety issues about the money side of things. That's rich enough for me.
Anyway, glad to see you two still droppinbg by. My blog will become active again soon... I hope!
peace out
Congratulations on the anthology, Charles. That's very cool.
It sounds like your talk went well. Eight people isn't a bad audience and it sounds as though you have some new fans. Great to have some young followers. Well done, and well deserved.
Yes, congratulations on the Hint Anthology, Charles! You deserve every bit of success that you get. Your "Write with Fire" was a gift to all of us.
That's so cool -- including the Hint Fiction and the photos -- Congrats, man!
Greg Schwartz, it looks to be interesting. I'm curious about what the results will be.
eric1313, you make me want to come by Hot springs just for the pizza. Glad to hear you are doing OK and keeping your head above water.
Leigh Russell, yes, it's just good to see young folks intersted in reading.
Rick, thanks Rick. You're almost as sweet as Lana. Not as cute though! :)
Erik Donald France, thanks. I appreciate it.
I'm glad the book festival went well.
We were pulling for your Razorbacks. I wish... I mean I DEARLY wish... that they had pulled out a win. Even though I can't help but respect him, I wince everytime I hear the media raving about Tebow.
Congratulations on Hint Fiction!
WTG Charles.
Jennifer, I like Tebow pretty well but I was really rooting for the Hogs to win, and they had the chance. Alas.
Mark, thankee.
You're such a studious looking man Charles. You should, if you haven't already, film one of these things and put it up here for us to see. That would be cool.
Congratulations on the anthology piece! that is wonderful and you sure fit right in! And it sounded like a lovely time!
Wil, I thought I looked like a raving psychotic about to slaughter his audience, but hey, I like your judgement better.
Ello, thankee. It was a fun time for sure.
Sounds as if you had an amazingly great weekend. Congratulations on the anthology and the exalted company you get to keep.
Shauna, we did. And thanks. BTW, I'm enjoying Mayflies.
That's great to hear!
Hey Charles,
So glad you guys had a great time! Love the pictures -- happy belated birthday and anniversary!
Shauna, thankee! I'm working on your interview questions for my blog next month. Will send them soon.
Michelle, thanks. I appreciate that. and yes, we much enjoyed ourselves.
Congratulations, Charles! I am thrilled to be included with such talented authors as yourself. Thanks for your kind words and including me in your post. I can't wait to hold the anthology in my hands next fall.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the Louisiana Book Festival.
Welcome home!
Kathleen, I'm really stoked myself about it. Tres cool!
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