I talked for about 45 minutes and figured we'd have maybe 10 minutes of questions, but we had questions that ran almost 45 minutes themselves, followed by a lot of signing and chatting with folks who came up. We filled the whole 2 hour time slot, and quite a few folks have said they'll be visiting my blog. I really love talking with people about writing.
The library was very pleased at the turn out and I certainly was. Lana was her usual supportive self and took some photos. I'm gonna post a few below.
Thank to all my friends in the blogosphere who sent me their best wishes from afar. It must have worked.
Fantastic, Charles! I've found speaking at libraries to be one of the most rewarding things about marketing Pulp Writer. And kudos for selling so many copies!
That's great, Charles. I am always stunned at how small the crowds are for famous people at our university of over 30,000. Last year Marge Piercy drew 35 to a talk and she has been a major America novelist for 30 years.
Laurie, there's a pretty nice local community interested in literary things it appears, which is cool.
Pattinase, I see the same thing at Xavier. It depends but often we have a very small turnout for really fine writers.
How awesome is THAT?! You must have been buzzing enough to jump over houses on the way home!!!
How awesome is THAT?! You must have been buzzing enough to jump over houses on the way home!!!
That's wonderful! Glad you had such a large and enthusiastic turnout. What did you speak on?
Very cool. Maybe word will spread?
That's fantastic! Congratulations!
And that reminds me...I've been intending to buy the book. I need to make a note now so I remember.
This is great news! People tend to rell their friends and associates whenever they've had a good time at a literary event, so your next talk should do equally as well, or better.
I always enjoy your talks. You're so good at being interesting and funny. I had a good time today & am glad you did so well. Proud of you, baby.
Outstanding !
It was super great reading this Charles ! It was uplifting and inspiring without question.
I feel very happy for you.
Nice touch with the pictures too. They really helped drive the mood home and you look like a natural up there without a doubt !
Steve Malley, it definitely felt good. I’d been telling Lana I was afraid I’d have only two or three folks.
Shauna Roberts, I talked a little about my journey from farm boy to writer, with some of the things I’ve learned along the way, like it’s not “Write what you know,” but “write what you can learn to know.”
X. Dell, one person asked if I was going to be doing any seminars so that was kind of a nice support.
Travis, thanks. I appreciate that. I hope you enjoy the book. One person actually brought along a copy they’d gotten before and had been reading and it was neat to see all the yellow underlining they’d done.
Barbara Martin, I hope some word of mouth does go out. I could use the help.
Lana Gramlich, thank you sweetness. And thanks for all your help and support.
RRN, thanks. I appreciate the kind words. I enjoyed myself.
Congrats, Charles. I'm so pleased for you. And glad for the folks who turned out, because you're a good speaker and you always have lots of great info to give about writing. It's cool that so many people bought books, too.
G'day, Charles!
conga rats on the success of the talk: I hope that things keep looking up for you from here!
And thanks for the kind words on Goodreads about The Flayed Man as well. I came to your blog from there, as it happens.
As I get older, as my eyes grow weaker, I've become less interested in Hollywood's so-called movies, and more interested in the local writing scene. Congrats on the turnout for your library talk. I'm hoping pattinase (abbott)'s example is an anamoly and not the norm.
You did so much better than I did at my last signing many years ago.
I think about seven showed, but luckily one big newspaper reviewer.
Wow. The phone rang for days.
Didn't know there were so many lonesome women readers out there.
Heh. Never mind Lava Life. Write a book!
Duh, yea, Charles. I so wish I could have been there! You rock so hard! Congrats!
Sphinx Ink, yeah, I was thrilled. The good mood has even carried in to today despite Arkansas losing to Georgia last night.
Phillip A. Ellis, thanks for dropping by. Good to hear from you. I much enjoyed that collection. I plan to reread it as well.
JR, I'm afraid it may be more the norm than you think. But I think a lot of college students really don't appreciate the opportunities they get. They haven't "grown older" yet.
ivan, except for Lana I have yet to add any book groupies to my acquaintences. And she just likes my books. The smallest signing I had was 3 folks. But generally I've had less than 10.
jodi, I should have put up a slide show and included the pic of you holding my book!
How wonderful! Congratulations!
ab fab, charles... now word of mouth will spread like wildfire and you'll garner a lot of new fans/buyers :)
nice pics, lana :D
My library pays me not to speak. Glad it went well for you, Charles. And congrats on selling some tomes at the event, besides. Spreading yourself like a disease. Keep it going.
That's so cool, man -- great for you, Lana, the books, and the library, and the crowd -- all of it! Sweet! Great pix, too . . .
Excellent! I'm so glad it went well for you. :) And doubly glad that so many of the people who showed up were strangers -- that's awesome!
Glad the talk went well, and congrats on the book sales as well!
hey, congrats, Charles! glad it went well. pretty cool that you sold a lot of books too.
Anndi, Yes it was very nice.
laughingwolf, here's hoping!
Stewart Sternberg, I sometimes wish I was a bit more of a Dan Brown virus but maybe I couldn't handle that.
Erik, yes, Lana took some good pics. I was so happy about the crowd.
Angie, indeed. There was a write up in the paper as well as the library flyers so it seems to have done the job.
Scott, thanks, Dude. Just saw pics of you reading at Howard Days in the last REHupa. I missed being there.
Greg Schwartz, yes, it was nice to come home with a nice wad of cash.
Wow, that's a big crowd. I'm sorry we couldn't make it, but there was no way we were going to get my mom up, fed, settled, and still make it over the Causeway in time. Glad we weren't missed!
Charles, good for you. Talking to a crowd of people is so much better for the speaker when people show interest and ask questions as well. I agree with Steve Malley about you buzzing and jumping over houses on your way home.
Charles, I only wish I could have been there.
Passion and sincerity came through.
Candy, Yes, I was really happy with the turnout. I was afraid I'd only have two or three.
Rowe, there is a real energy that people can feed off when the crowd and speaker both get into it.
Rick, would have enjoyed that. Thanks for the good vibes.
Ocean Girl, I tried!
That was truly a great experience. I hope there are many others for you.
Yay Charles!
Way to go!
Congratulations Charles! I am glad it went so well.
I read the comment that Lana left for you (why yes, I AM nosy). There could be no greater praise than what she said about you. THAT made me happy :)
Have a wonderful week!
OK. I think it's very cool that you get to stand up in front of people with a table display of five books you have written (and gotten published) and speak to them.
BernardL, Yes, I was very happy with it. Thanks for the kind thoughts.
Aimless Writer, thankee.
jennifer, we are all somewhat nosy under the skin!
Paul R. McNamee, thanks. I appreciate it.
Glad it went well. Really enjoyed the action photos.
Congratulations on the reading and sales! Always gratifying. Great pictures -- yay Lana!
Awesome, Charles. Love the pictures, too.
I so wish I lived closer! I would love to have been there. Congrats on it going so well!!
Congratulations on your speaking engagement! You obviously rock!
Awesome! And thanks for sharing the pics!
I love talks when authors bring more than one book.
Hey, that is totally cool, Charles! Sounds like a great event, and when the audience is engaged to stay around with more questions...how much better does it get?
Lucky you carry around your own charming paparazza, too.
Heff, yes, I'm at my best, or my worst, when I'm yammering about something.
Michelle, thanks. It's a lot of fun when you have folks there who are interested.
L.A. Mitchell, thanks, yes, Lana takes good pics.
Christina, I appreciate that.
Brother Catfish, thanks, Catfish. I was happy as a Catfish in a good muddy pond.
Chris Eldin, I still like setting 'em all up like that and looking at em. lol.
Clare2e, yes, And Lana doesn't get in my face and try to provoke me. Well, not in public anyway! :)
Wow! Sounds as though it went swimmingly. Congrats!
Way to go Charles!!!!
Barrie, a good time was had by all. At least I think so.
Mark, thanks, dude.
delightful! so very awesome...days like this make it all worth it, i imagine ;)
Just saw you on the Louisiana Book Festival line-up. Congrats! Hope to shake hands with you there.
Alex Moore, the good feeling even lingered through MOnday and that's saying something.
Angie Ledbetter, cool. I hope we get a chance to say hello. Thanks for visiting.
Congratulations, Charles! Well done! Lana's pics captured the fire... :-)
Congratulations - I'm really pleased for you!
Excellent photos (as usual) Lana :)
Vesper, thanks. Glad you enjoyed.
Miladysa, thanks. Yes, Lana takes great pics!
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