Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Book Roast: Cold in the Light

I forgot to mention that the Book Roast is going on all this week. That means a chance to win free books, as well as have some fun answering strange questions and feeling free to make off-the-wall remarks. So check it out.

And, especially, please check it out tomorrow, Thursday, April 16. I’ll be the grillee, or grilled, or whatever it’s called, and there’ll be a chance win a copy of Cold in the Light. Even if you have a copy drop by for a visit. I’ll be popping in and out all day to answer questions and respond to comments, which means most of my blogging tomorrow will be over there.

Chris Eldin and the Book Roast crew have done a wonderful job with this project, and I know it's been a lot of work for them. They grilled Swords of Talera back when it came out so they have also been very, very good to me.

Yeah Book Roast!


Sidney said...

Sounds like fun. Wasn't sure what to make of a heading like Book Roast. Maybe Dean Martin.

Heff said...

I'm always up for a good roast. I'll pop in.

pattinase (abbott) said...

I'm there if I can remember after my grandson leaves.

Lana Gramlich said...

Oh, hooray for you, baby! Sounds like it'll be fun. :)

Donnetta said...

Okie dokie. D

Steve Malley said...

See you there!

(mental note: that's Friday morning for me...)

laughingwolf said...

will be there, charles, at some point

have a bud coming down from new glasgow, he's taking me out for lunch, so no idea when i'll be back

the book roast has been great fun for me, too :)

X. Dell said...

Cool. Perhaps I can add another Gramlich to my collection?

Charles Gramlich said...

Sidney, a little milder than the current celebrity roasts but with a somewhat similar concept.

Heff, I'll appreciate that.

Pattinase, well, children do cause brain damage so I hope I'll see you. ;)

Lana, yes, I had fun last time.

Donnetta Lee, thankee. I appreciate that.

Steve Malley, true, true.

Laughingwolf, well you guys have some fun.

X-dell, I'll be giving a copy away, that's true!

Cloudia said...


Chris Eldin said...

We're waiting...with our sharpy forks!

Charles Gramlich said...

Cloudia, yep.

Chris Eldin, well, if this crew comes over there'll be some vicious stuff happening! yeah!

laughingwolf said...

thx, called me last nite to say it may be friday, cuz son has some probs dad needs to attend to...

roast seems to be going well :)

Charles Gramlich said...

Laughingwolf, yes, so far so good.

Gary Dobbs/Jack Martin said...

Thanks for the link to this one.

Charles Gramlich said...

Archavist, no prob!

Mary Witzl said...

Damn, I think I've missed this! I'll head over there now in case it's still going on.

David Cranmer said...

I'm traveling all day today so I will probably miss out but break a leg as they say.

Charles Gramlich said...

Mary, you squeaked in. I'm going to announce the winner at around 10:00 central time.

David, hope you're enjoying your trip.

X. Dell said...

Fun concept. By the time I finish reading your books, I'll be an expert on the Maclang Macclan.

Erik Donald France said...

Yeah, this does sound like fun! Cheers!

Charles Gramlich said...

X-Dell, any Maclangs in any of my books are indeed related. Well, in my mind that is. Lol.

Erik, yeah, the book roast folks are pretty cool.

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

I missed it!!!!!! All I can say is that Wednesday through Friday last week was hell with papers. I'm sorry!

Charles Gramlich said...

Ello, I'm in to those papers this week.