A City Equal to My Desire is a collection of stories harking back to James Sallis’s early days as a writer of speculative fiction and SF, although all were produced after 1998. The book's front and back cover blurbs suggest that the collection is primarily crime and mystery fiction, which is where James is best known today, but only about a third of the stories are actually crime tales. The rest are speculative fiction and include pieces published in Asimov’s, Fantasy and SF, and Talebones.
In keeping with the marketing, the first two stories in the collection actually are crime fiction. They include “Ukulele and the World’s Pain,” which I thought was the weakest tale in the collection, and the excellent “Drive,” which Sallis later expanded into a novella of the same name that I believe is one of the best noir thrillers ever written.
For me, however, the true gems in the collection are the speculative stories, especially “Roofs and Forgiveness in the Early Dawn,” about an unusual alien invasion, “Pitt’s World,” which tells the story of a survivor of a spaceship crash, and “Telling Lives,” about a writer who has discovered a niche for himself in writing biographies of everyday people. Another great story is "Day’s Heat,” which features an unusually close set of triplets and ties with “Roofs and Forgiveness…” for my personal favorites.
Wonderful characters and character interactions are Sallis's strengths, but we also find lovely language and beautiful imagery. Be aware, however, that these are literary quality stories and the endings may not be as clear cut as some genre readers would prefer. Since I love Sallis's creativity and verve, I don't mind the lack of neat and tidy endings. His characters are alive and his tales stir both the emotions and the imagination. I highly recommend them.
Looks like a good book to pick up.
Reads interesting :-D
Huh I might have to add another book to the must read list! Thanks my TBR pile just let out a groan
i haven't read scifi in years. i dunno why, i used to love it. i should look for this one.
Charles: Off topic but the BookEnds thriller contest started today. You have till 9AM tomorrow to submit an entry.
Sidney, I definitely enjoyed it.
Miladysa, Sallis is a superb writer.
Sarai, you're welcome, ;)
Benjibopper, A lot of it doesn't read much like Sci Fi. It's very literary but using some SF tropes.
Josephine Damian, thanks for the heads up. I'll check it out this morning.
Thanks for introducing me to this work, Charles. I read any genre as long as I like the story and writing. :*)
Sounds interesting!!!
Thanks for recommending, I really do like to learn to express myself better, whilst I at the same time can enjoy the story-line!
You convinced me :)
Even your book reviews are sexy...How DO you do it? ;)
Thanks for linking to my blog, You are now up on my "Dar-links" *lol*
The second-last sentence is a validation of his immense worth!
This review makes me want to read the book :)
Demon hunter, Sallis has a good feel for characters and is also a big jazz fan.
Anna-lys, thanks for returning the link favor. I should have put yours up before but have not been feeling my best.
Billy, Sallis is also a very fine poet. I have a collection of his called "Sorrow's Kitchen" which is quite fine.
Lana, it's got to be all the sexiness spilling off of you onto me.
David McMahon, my best validation is how much I'd like to be able to write as well as he does.
Szelsofa, it's a worthy work.
And to Josephine, I entered the thriller contest a few minutes ago.
That looks good! Now if only I had some time to read it! I am still working on a huge backlog. Argh!
Charles, glad you got it in before the deadline.
Very nice opener! I could be wrong but methinks Aimless Writer just may get the nod from Jessica.
I am a scifi nut. Course I like to read the oldies but goodies. This sounds very interesting. Thanks for filling us in.
I'll check it out -- love the title!
Ello, I know the feeling. A friend loaned me a book the other day and I was wondering where in the world I"m going to get it worked into my reading plan.
Josephine Damien, so far I've only checked out a few other entries.
Donnetta Lee, there's another surprise about Sallis coming up today.
Michelle, Sallis always does good titles.
Thanks for pointing out this book. It sounds like it is something of a genre blend -- which is great.
Mystery (or scifi) with a literary feel--sounds interesting.
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll keep an eye out for it. I'll have to add it to the stack of 15 waiting for me.
Yeah, it's a great novel, actually, and a very quick read. It is very much about zen in the life of a young author, and how it becomes derailed and where it drives him to.
The "Something Wicked..." title is of a Bradbury novel. Also some great reading.
"To Mock A Killingbird", well, I have no idea who made that album, but the name stuck with me.
"Drive" is spec fiction? Cool. I didn't know that....
Loved the book. Read it after Miss Snark gave it high marks.
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