I don't often talk about projects before they are in print but the word is actually out in some quarters about this so I'll say something here. Spec House of Poetry (Link to the right)is planning to publish a Chapbook of my work under the title Wanting the Mouth of a Lover. All the poems are experimental haiku, primarily centered around the theme of vampirism. J. Bruce Fuller, who runs Spec House, is an energetic fellow with a passion for poetry. He's on the cutting edge of the burgeoning Scifaiku movement, and also publishes a magazine called The Shantytown Anomaly, which has presented some award winning and award nominated poetry in the last couple of years.
I'm very happy about the chapbook. It'll be my first. I talked to J. quite a bit at Babel Con and we sat on a poetry panel together. (Cons are great for making and renewing contacts.) I sent him two possible collections for chapbooks and he really liked the haiku grouping. He talks a bit about it at the Spec House site under "A Welcoming." Some of the poems that are to be included in the chapbook have been previously published, but most have not. I'm not sure when this will be published. It seems most likely to be late this year but it's up to J.
J's own poetry is featured in Aurore Australe, which I mentioned here a few posts back and which can be found at the Spec House site. His personally blog is here.
That's cool! I'd never heard of scifaiku before. Truthfully, I've not read any decent sff poetry, because I've just read what was in magazines years ago.
Congrats to you on your new publication.
I like that picture, by the way. It makes me want to write a poem about things that liek to bite...and drink blood.
There's something about the words 'vampire haiku poetry' that makes me wonder around the room whippling to myself. Like a little poem all their own...
Congratulations Charles! Like so many people, I've always had a bit of a thing for vampires, so I look forward to the opportunity to read this work. Great news!
writtenwyrdd, thanks. Scifaiku has been around a while but it's really started to get more popular in just the last five years or so. Or at least that's when I've been hearing a lot about it.
Lucas, thanks. I could imagine your thoughts would turn toward bloody events. ;)
Steve, keep repeating, it's only poetry, it's only poetry. Thanks for the congrats.
Lisa, thanks. Vampires still have to be one of the most popular tropes in horror fiction, and in the last couple of decades they seem to have moved into the mainstream, or close to it.
That's fascinating, Charles.
Themed stuff.
Is this a publishing trend, I wonder?
wow, you have definitely opened my eyes to a brand spanking new world here, Charles, and, of course, I am always amazed by your energy.
Keep going, man. You truly inspire.
Congratulations, nothing like the title "Vampire Haiku" to make it fly off the shelves. I am sure it will do well.
Bernita, I think it is, in some quarters at least.
Susan, thanks. There was a time when I had more energy. Most of these poems were written then.
OOC, one can always hope.
Oh, oh, oh! How exciting. Very happy for you-and proud to know you!
I left a note for you on my blog--but just in case you don't visit soon: My hubby wants to know what branch of psychology you have trained in. He likes your stuff and is curious. Remember, he's a psychologist. He writes/has written, but it was primarily research type projects and articles about the prison systems. He's thought about trying writing again, but is feeling kinda burned out about it. We'll see.
Bye, Donnetta
Congrats! How fun :)
Excellent my man!!! Congratulations. I to hadn't heard about the sci fi haiku movement -- sounds like a lot of fun!
How cool - congratulations, Charles. Sounds like fun.
Congrats on the chapbook, Charles! Looking forward to reading it.
Donnetta, I responded to your question on your blog. I can understand your husband's feeling of burnout with scientific writing. Writing fiction or poetry is such a change of gears, though, that he might find his energy rising again there.
Cliff, it is a fun field. And really seems to encourage spontenaity in writing.
H.E., Kate, you both should give it a whirl.
Greg, thanks. I'll be looking for more stuff from you.
Congrats on the chapbook! Love the title. And the poetry sounds great -- can't wait to check it out.
Congratulations! I've never read any scifaiku before (never even heard of it), so I'm eager to get your chapbook.
Cool! I'll have to check that out! Congratulations!
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