Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Free Ebook, Harmland

For Halloween, and for a couple days after, my "Harmland" collection is free to download as an ebook at Amazon. This is a collection of noir and horror stories. There's over 20,000 words of material here, including such tales as "Whiskey, Guns, and Sin," "The Grey Inside," "The Finding," and others.

One of the stories, "The Toad," is about half autobiographical. You'll have to guess which half. There's also a Cthulhu Mythos story called "The Vivarium."

If you read ebooks, why not give it a download. And if you do read it, I'd appreciate a review, of course.

Download here:


  1. Thank you Thank you Thank you, I'll happily accept your gift, blessings and Happy Halloween

  2. Shadow. Thanks, I appreciate it

  3. Oh bother, I tried to download but I am Amazon UK and I was turned away.

  4. I'll happily accept your gift, blessings and Happy Halloween


  5. Friko, sorry to hear that. if you want to send me your email address I can email you a copy. my email is cagramlich11 at gmail dot com

    Roth, thanks!

  6. Download did not work for me, friend Charles Gramlich ... instead had to clean my computer of a bug which took hours ... cyber world and things is so much fun until not ... Anyway ... Love always, cat.

  7. cat, I'm sorry to hear that. You shouldn't get any bugs from an amazon download. I've downloaded hundreds of books with no issue from them. Hope you get everything cleared up.
