Monday, October 05, 2015

CONtraflow #5 in the Bag

CONtraflow 5 is over and a great time was had. I was there every day, with my biggest day being Saturday where I had three panels back to back. I also spent quite a bit of time in the Dealer's Room, at the book tables. The Library had a table there where they were selling works to support the library. I picked up a bunch of stuff that I'll have to talk about and show the covers of another time.

The author guest of honor was Robert J. Sawyer. He was busy, of course, with many folks looking to talk to him, but I managed to get a book signed by him. I also renewed acquaintances with a bunch of old friends and made quite a few new ones. I attended a lot of good panels as well, on such things as Cyberpunk versus Steampunk, Skepticism versus Belief, and Space Opera!

All the panels I sat on were well attended and we had a lot of good interactions with the audience. My last panel on Saturday was on Dreaming and Creativity. I had about 12 folks and they were enthusiastic. Everyone was interested and asking questions, but everyone was also respectful of all the others. When the "sign guard" came to give us the "Five More Minutes" sign, one of the folks at the table went "Noooo." They didn't want it to end. That really made my day.

Afterward, another person told me it should have been two hours, and someone else said it was their favorite panel of the weekend. All of that made me feel wonderful.

I'm back at work on this Monday morning, and feeling both a bit tired after the long weekend but also energized. Lots of ideas flowing. Now I just have to put together some time to work on them. 

I didn't make it around to blogs over the weekend. Wasn't home much except to sleep. But I'll start visiting again this week. I do give two tests so I'll still be a bit slow in the blogging arena until that is done.


  1. That's awesome your panel was a favorite.
    Glad it was another successful Con.

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    It must be a challenge (schizophrenia comes to mind) compartmentalizing writing/conference and classrooms/grading into two different parts of your life. All the best to you from a formerly schizophrenic teacher (now retired) who now tries to figure out which blog will be my identity today. Hmmmm.

  3. Alex, yes, that was really a pleasure.

    R. T. there is some interesting overlap but much of the time it certainly is a little weird to do the balancing act.

  4. Glad it was such a success.

  5. I'm glad it was worth your time and had a bunch of interested folks attend the panels.

  6. That's awesome that people enjoyed it so much!

  7. Sounds like you had a great time. :) One of these times, I hope we can be at the same con and hang for a while.


  8. Patti, thankee.

    Oscar, that made it fun.

    Riot Kitty, I was happy.

    Angie, that would be cool.

  9. Charles-Wow, sounds like you were a star! They had a similar gig in Alpena, but I wasn't in town that weekend. I would like to attend one sometime. Congrats on your success!

  10. Glad you had a fine weekend with some of your fans!



  11. There is nothing better than enthusiasm about writing elements and subjects of an illusive nature like dreaming.

  12. Sounds great Charles.

    I always have a good time at Cons, rubbing shoulders with fans and peers.

  13. Sounds like it was great! I'm glad you had a good time and the audiences were inspired.

  14. Jodi, I always have fun, and for someone more extraverted like you it might be even more enjoyable.

    Cloudia, fun indeed.

    Bernard, folks are always fascinated with that topic for sure.

    David J., definitely gives one some energy.

    Richard R., it's a good symbiotic relationship.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. How cool, Charles ~! Cyberpunk versus Steampunk, Skepticism versus Belief, Space Opera and Dreams & Creativity ~ I'd love to have been a fly on the wall, a drone on a scone, a bug on a rug, or just to have heard it all in some kind of humanoid form. Cool beans.

  17. Erik, yeah, lots of fun stuff. Didn't hit a bad panel.

  18. Sounds like you had a good conference and now work intervenes!

  19. congrats on the great reception for your panel! it's an interesting topic.

  20. Sounds so cool! Dreaming and Creativity... hmmm, I'm sure you have so much to say on that! :-)

  21. Sage, finally made it to Saturday and starting a 4 day weekend. Nice.

    Greg, it almost always gets a good response.

    Vesper, always. :)
