Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mommas Don't let Your Babies

Mommas don’t let your babies grow up to be barbarians.
Don’t let ‘em wield swords and steal dragon gold.
Let ‘em be sorcerers and live to grow old.

Barbarians ain’t easy to love ‘cause they like to kill things.
They’d rather carve your guts and rob all your jewels,
than live in your stone huts and follow your rules.

Barbarians like taverns and wenches and looted rings.
They drink ale and eat meat over smoky old fires.
But they like a good battle and often end up on pyres.

So, Mommas don’t let your babies grow up to be barbarians.
‘Cause they’ll decorate their helmets and armor with bone.
And they’ll wander the world and they’ll never come home.



Adventuresfantastic said...

Between you and Charles Rutledge tweeting "Midnight Train to Arkham", I've got plenty of mindworms in my head. :)

sage said...


nephite blood spartan heart said...

Nicely done!

Charles Gramlich said...

Keith, lol. It's been in mine about 24 hours

Sage, thankee

David J., I appreciate it.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Now that tune will ricochet in my head for hours!

Ty said...

I like it. :-)

Charles Gramlich said...

Patti, then my job is done

Riot Kitty, thanks

Ty, cool

the walking man said...

Dude! What's the matter with a bit o' bone decorating your helmet and sword sheath. Even the wenches appreciate a good Barbarian bone.

BernardL said...

LMAO! Very entertaining! :)

Charles Gramlich said...

Mark, a bone joke. From Mark. I've seen everything now. :)

Bernard, thanks, man

Anonymous said...

I have a soft spot in my heart for all barbarians and poets. Perhaps I have been redundant.

Prashant C. Trikannad said...

Enjoyed it, Charles. Perhaps, there is a collection in the offing?

Charles Gramlich said...

R.T. a barbarian poet, now there is a concept. It used to be true, in true barbarian days.

Prashant, maybe I'll start a band and make songs like it. ;)

jodi said...

Charles-Old Willie would be proud! I love beer n burgers around the bonfire. Does that make me a barbarian or just a hungry, thirsty wench?

Aimlesswriter said...

I love that! I'm sharing it!

Charles Gramlich said...

Jodi, I suspect barbarian

Aimless, thanks. I appreciate that

Snowbrush said...

And for those who never come home, good riddance. Those old guys were like Navy Seals on steroids. Their vision of heaven as a place you fight all day everyday suggests how lacking they were.

Erik Donald France said...

Haha, good one. It takes all kinds to keep the world interesting . . .

Charles Gramlich said...

Snowbrush, the term barbarian was used by the Romans to indicate those they thought uncivilized, although many of the so called Barbarians had their own cultures. The term has come to mean something more like "thug," but I like the old use of Barbarians and tend to think most of those cultures were quite all right with me, at least for the times they lived in.

Erik, thankee. True indeed.

G. B. Miller said...

Purty cool and a nice twist on an old song.

Unknown said...

After the first two words, I had to sing-a-long. I didn't sound like Waylon and Willie however.

Charles Gramlich said...

G. B., don't know why it just popped into my head.

Carole, nor do I.

Blogoratti said...

I thought that was really nice!

Jack Bertram said...

That's a good one. I love it.

Charles Gramlich said...

blogoratti, thanks.

Jack, appreciate it. Glad you enjoyed.

Cloudia said...

Weird Al would have a HIT with this!

Charles Gramlich said...

Cloudia, probably so!