Monday, April 20, 2015

Second half of the Quiz

Here's the second half of that quiz I gave my writing students. Sorry the spacing isn't quite right. Not sure why but probably due to how I set the format up for the quiz originally.

11.  I tell you that mammals bear live young. If I tell you that giraffes bear live young and you assume          this means that giraffes are mammals, you have engaged in deductive/inductive ____________              reasoning.

12.   A __________ is a false belief, a ________ is a false sensory impression, and a ________ is a         distorted perception of a real physical event.  Choose from among/between ___________                 delusion/hallucination/illusion.

13.  Be discreet/discrete ________ when talking to your professors about whether you read the             textbook or not.

14.  I hope the judge in my speeding ticket case is disinterested/uninterested _______________.

15.  In our experiment, we used a food prompt to elicit/illicit hunger.

16.  PhD students are expected to conduct exhaustive/exhausted ___________ reviews of the relevant      research in their fields and be completely familiar with the extant/extent _____________                 literature.

17.  Pharmacologically speaking, amphetamine is classified as a stimulant/stimulus ______________.

18.  That which you can call to mind rather easily when you try to is said to be in the subconscious/             unconscious ____________ mind while that which you cannot recall at all under normal               circumstances is in your unconscious/subconscious ______________ mind.

19.  Color is a qualitative/quantitative _____________ variable while height is a quantitative/qualitative       ___________ variable.

20.  The principal/principle _______________ investigator of the study is sick today.



  1. I'm fairly certain I passed with flying colors. Gold star?

  2. Where do we turn our papers in? I know that I've been exhausted from exhaustive research...

  3. I'd bet discreet/discrete was a tough one for them. :)

  4. David, certainly!

    Sage, as well you should be.

    Bernard, most missed it initially.

  5. Good examples, Charles. I have grappled with a couple of them.

  6. Anonymous4:03 PM

    My students would hate your quiz! They blame quizzes, tests, and assignments rather than themselves. Hmmmm.

  7. I think I got all of them. Some of those sentences come off as funny when the wrong word is used.

  8. I think I knew most of them on the full quiz but would be surprised if a young college student even knew half, unless he was a reader.

  9. Prashant, I think I grappled with many, which is probably why they are on this one.

    RT, I've seen that too. Some folks have too much self esteem.

    Alex, that's often a good guide. They just don't sound quite right.

    Oscar, one of the reasons I so promote reading in my classes.

  10. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I am ready for remedial training! Yikes!

    All the best to you from a new blog: Crimes in the Library. Hey, if you like crime fiction, you might enjoy what lies ahead in the Library.

  11. OK, once again...does anyone really fail these? I probably don't want to know the answer to that, having gotten an inquiry from a "stutdent."

  12. Robert, thanks for visiting.

    Riot Kitty, yes, some do poorly indeed.

  13. This is a test I would expect a freshman in high school to take and pass, not a college student, who should have no problems passing it. However I think the level of English classes and education in general in the last few decades is much reduced from the school classes I took in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

  14. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Richard, your comment intrigues me. I can tell you because of my 15+ years of experience in English composition classrooms with college freshmen in attendance (and in literature classes with upper-classmen in attendance) that very few college students -- either as freshmen or upper-classmen -- could pass the tests offered here by Charles. The level of English language grammar and punctuation "illiteracy" would shock you if you witnessed it first-hand in the classrooms. Charles, I suspect, will have had similar experiences with his students. But he can correct me if I am wrong in that supposition.

  15. RT, I'm sure you're right about me being shocked at the grammar and punctuation "illiteracy" , but how is things got this way? When I was in high school, you had to be able to read, write, diagram sentences define parts of speech, understand the differences between the kinds of words in Charles test. In other words speak and write coherently. Otherwise you didn't graduate from high school. But then a student also didn't make it into junior high (grades 7-8) without the ability to read, as in read novels and write reports on them.Can't do it? Repeat the grade.

    I see reports in the newspaper that many high school students cannot read, and it baffles me. Why can't they read, write, speak in grammatically correct sentences?

  16. That was supposed to be "how is it things got..."

  17. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Richard, I cannot account for what happens now in high school and middle school classrooms. I think very little that we would recognize as rigorous and productive English instruction occurs.

    However, I know that the vast majority of students that I see in college classrooms would have been severely challenged by but would have benefitted from going through the English courses you and I are familiar with from the 50s and 60s.

    I might dredge up the grammar diagnostic that I use in my courses and post it in on my blog (Crimes in the Library) in the near future. Perhaps you will enjoy attempting the assessment. Hint: less than 20% of my students pass it.
