Friday, January 23, 2015

Good News, Bad News

Well, there's a little writing news I can share for a blog post. Not all good, not all bad. And none of it horrible.

To get the bad news out of the way, I finished an SF story at the end of last year that I think is one of the best I've ever done. The title is "Electric Love 'N Blue." I decided to try Asimov's SF Magazine with it, about the biggest market there is in SF. I got the form rejection email today. A rejection was expected but still disappointing. It would have been nice. The story will get sent out again this weekend to another market. I believe it will sell.

I actually got a rejection on a different story on January 1, 2015, so the year started out grandly. My feelings weren't badly hurt but I kind of thought maybe, if you are a magazine, you want to send our rejections on December 30/31 of one year, or at least wait until the 3rd or 4th of the new year. Who wants to get that kind of bad news on the first day of a "bright" new year?

For the good news, a blogger by the name of Col Colman put up a review of my western collection, "Killing Trail." I've never met Col but he must surely be a fellow of refined taste. For evidence of that judgement, I offer the fact that he liked my work. If you get a chance, check out his review. I certainly appreciated it. Thanks, Col.

Thanks also go to Prashant C. Trikannad for this good news because Mr. Colman first heard about "Killing Trail" on Prashant's blog. You hear about the role of "word of mouth" in the fortunes of a writer, but you don't often get to see such a clear result of that. Thanks, Prashant.



  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

    A former colleague boldly posted his rejection letters on a huge bulletin board in his office. Now, after the publication of Gun Monkeys and more, I bet he no longer concerns himself with the bulletin board. Press on!

  2. Charles, I'm sorry to hear about the rejection. I'm sure you'll find another better market for your sf story. How about self-publishing it on Amazon? I'd love to read it.

    Many thanks for the appreciation, Charles. I enjoyed reading KILLING TRAIL and I'm glad Col did to. I hope you will write more western stories.

  3. Keep shopping that story. There are plenty of other opportunities out there.

  4. Killing Trail is a very enjoyable western. I'm certain your SF story will find a good venue. I don't know why, but it seems as if the SF market is on a downswing for some reason.

  5. I've only gotten a small number of rejections so far (mainly because I have only submitted a small number of stories), but each one stings for a moment. As you say, ya just move on.

    And Killing Trail was awesome. Kudos for another good review!

  6. R. T., yeah, I do keep it pretty much in perspective I think.

    Prashant, working on a western now actually.

    Alex, certainly. I know there are plenty of other markets.

    Bernard, kinda weird but I know the markets come and go.

    Tom, the stings do get less over time. Thanks for the kind words on Killing TRail.

  7. I am sure your story will be published and glad you found the review of your book which lifted your spirit some...

  8. Just bought it. I've seen the title a few times on Charles' blog, but just didn't get around to it. After reading the Colman review had to have it.

  9. Bummer about Asimov's, but they're a very competitive market. Hey, start at the top, right?

    Another great market is F&SF, and since Charlie Finlay's taking over, they're taking electronic submissions now, yay! Great to see the last of the big three digests get with the 21st century. :)



  10. Ah, well. Rejections are just part of life. Not a good part, but just a part.

    However, glad you got some good reviews, too, because you deserve them. I also liked Killing Trail.

  11. Publishing requires the guts of Patton to get through all the flack and denials

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  12. Sage, thanks.

    Oscar, I appreciate that. Hope you enjoy.

    Angie, Yeah, F & SF will probably be next on my list.

    RK, thanks for the kind words. We get more used to rejections over time or we don't survive.

    Cloudia, true indeed.

  13. If you shoot for the top, as you did, you can't feel too terribly bad. A place like that gets thousands of submissions every quarter. But do shoot for the top! That's a New Year's Resolution I should make.

  14. Thanks for linking back Charles. I'm looking forward to reading more of your work in the future.

  15. Keep the faith, Charles! The excitement of submitting to the Penny Press mags is fun in itself!

  16. Patti, I don't always shoot for the top but I like this story enough to think it had the chance.

    Col, thanks, man. I much appreciate it.

    Richard, indeed so, and who knows what might happen.

  17. Charles-have you heard of 'right product-wrong buyer'? Shop that story again!! Good Luck to ya!

  18. A rejection on Jan. 1? That's kind of obnoxious. But remember how many Dr. Seuss had (39) and the guy who wrote Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance had more than 100.

    I always wonder, what if they had quit after #12?

  19. I got 55 rejections last year, and 69 in 2013. I only sub to pro markets, and yeah, I get told no a lot. But I have two stories out in anthologies, three more coming out this year, and nine stories in submission right now. That's how you do it. You can't let one rejection, or five, or ten, or fifty, get you down. You keep writing and keep subbing. When a story comes back, you send it right back out again, until it sells or there aren't any more appropriate markets to send it to. It's part of the game -- buckle down and play.

