Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Graham Charleston, New Report, and Vlad Dracule!

In a recent issue of the Deerhaven Journal of Psychotherapeutic Effectiveness, Dr. C. Gramlich, a prominent local psychologist, identified three cases of a new cognitive disorder that he refers to as Bored-reader’s Syndrome, or BrS. BrS is a potentially non-fatal disorder that attacks the central nervous system, producing difficulties in concentration, loss of mental focus, and loose stools. Fortunately, Dr. Gramlich also published a simple cure for BrS in the same article.  At 99 cents, it also happens to be the cheapest cure ever for a psychological dysfunction. Simply purchase and read “Harvest of War” by Charles Allen Gramlich (no relation).   – Graham Charleston reporting, for the Deerhaven Extreme.

I don’t always read vampire stories.

But when I do, they’re from “Midnight in Rosary,”
By Charles Allen Gramlich!



  1. I don't understand why you claim not to have a developed sense of humor. These last two posts are precious.

  2. A nice job of humorous self-promotion! I got to laugh and today, that's good!

  3. Yes, these posts are awesome, Charles!

  4. Ha! Bored Reader Syndrome, not a problem for your readers by any stretch.

  5. Clever, promising something that will stand out from the boredom!

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

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  6. Is relieving to know BRS is so easy to cure. And not FDA problems at all!

  7. X. Dell, humor? Vas ist?

    Sage, more fun than just putting up a straight ad.

    Alex, I appreciate that!

    David J., thankee, man.

    Cloudia, Merely trying to serve my fellow humans.

    Deka, yes, very fortunate on that. No liklihood of an epidemic.

  8. I always enjoy your posts, Charles. And "Harvest of War" was a helluva read, sir. When are you coming back to BEAT to a PULP? It's been awhile.

  9. Hehe..loose stools..you are really a doctor.

  10. David Cranmer, my writing has been very hit or miss of late. I'm hoping to get some work done when Christmas break gets here.

    Lisa, glad you enjoyed!

  11. I sense an over-all good arc to this. Things have been going well I hope! Love the Vlady dady art. He definitely looks like the king one does not want to have.

  12. Yes that is correct Harvest of War takes care of a weeks worth of dietary fiber!

  13. eric1313, there are more coming in this arc.

    Mark, I'll quote you on that. Thanks for the testimonial. :)

  14. I believe it's called bibliotherapy.

  15. I'm glad you said it was non-fatal, because if you hadn't, I would have never picked up a book again. I also couldn't help but note that his last name is the same is yours, and that his first name starts with the same letter. That must be quite a thrill for you, what with having people think that you might be related to such a great man. Heck, if I didn't know better, I would think that great man was YOU, but when I Googled him, I found that out that his first name is Chester.

  16. I agree with Dr. Gramlich, HARVEST of WAR is a sure cure for BrS!

  17. Es ist sehr commish, herr Doktor.

  18. Patti, thanks.

    Ron, I hereby rename it gramlichotherapy. :)

    Snowbrush, Chester eh? Looks like I gots some killin' to do.

    Bernard, you are wise as well as handsome.

    X. Dell, I like being called Herr Doktor.

  19. Well, in my own writing, "I've been buked and I've been scorned", but I hope I never gave anyone a case of shits. :)

  20. Charles, I should be dead of that disease by now...

  21. Hear hear haha ~ lovin' every minute of it ~!

  22. well done, Herr Doktor Professor [as mein chermann teach referred to hisself, at uni]... a proud man, nein? ;)

  23. Ivan, well anyone who gets a case of the shits can be cured by my work. :)

    Jodi, you must be tough!

    Don, thankee, man!

    G. B. I'm venturing into your territory. :)

    Erik, glad you enjoyed.

    Laughingwolf, German just sounds cool. You gotta admit. :)

  24. indeed, i agree... but it's just the guy was so full of himself... perhaps cuz he was also a "von"? ;)

  25. Reading Charles Allen Gramlich in an easy chair beats sitting on a loose stool, methinks.

  26. LOL.

    I loved "Harvest of War", and agree with the doctor's advice.
