Monday, January 09, 2012


I'm looking forward to what I hope will be a couple of big publications in 2012. I hesitate almost to mention them, having been burned that way in the past, but I don't really have a lot of other stuff to blog about today and not a lot of time to think about what to blog anyway with it being the first day of classes. So let's hope I don't jinx myself.

First, a collection of my horror stories has been sent to the publisher by Borgo Press's editor. I don't know exactly when it will be out, but in past practice it's been within a month or two of getting to the publisher. That collection will be called "In the Language of Scorpions."

Second, Borgo's editor, Rob Reginald, has found a possible match for "Under the Ember Star," my space opera novella. He plans to publish it as a "Double," with "Ember Star" on one side and another novella on the other side. I'm looking forward to seeing how that turns out.

I'm working on two short stories at the moment, one called "Harvest of War," for a Scott Oden anthology, and the other called "Swampy Jack's Finest Cut." I came up with the idea for "Finest Cut" commuting across the 24 mile Bridge this morning.

Hope everyone's day is off to a good start.


  1. A Borgo double! (like the ol' Ace doubles)

    That'll be great! Congratulations (on the other stuff, too)

  2. Good luck with the first day of class. Those are always interesting. We don't start back until next week, but I'm in the office at least part of the day starting this morning.

    Congratulations on the publications. I'll be looking forward to them, especially the space opera.

  3. Wow, that's a lot of good news at once! Congratulations, Charles.

  4. I like that "In the Language of Scorpions" title. Looking forward to whatever comes out next.

  5. Paul, I know. I'm excited about that for sure.

    Keith, First days are usually fairly brief, because here they correspond with people still dropping and adding classes.

    Alex, thanks, man.

    Chris, that's one of my favorite titles of my own. Used it in a poem once. Have always wanted it to be the title of a book.

  6. Great news all around! Very cool stuff. Really looking forward to your Space Opera story. :)

  7. You are an inspiration and I am reading the beer book right now. Oh, your poor Mama. I am glad she didn't know what you were up to. And it makes me wonder about my son.

  8. Sounds great. I'll be awaiting a heads-up on both books.

  9. A double, like the Ace Doubles! Hope this will be the beginning of recovering a style of book i simply love.

    And good luck charles!

  10. I've always liked the dual novella idea. I hope it works out well for you. It certainly offers the reader a variety.

  11. Congratulations man! I hear you on the jinxing. Sometimes it's hard to believe anything until you see the final print.

  12. Tom, I had a huge amount of fun writing that one.

    Patti, yes, my mom was lucky she didn't know half of it. But like I say, she had already been through my three older brothers. I doubt they were saints. ;)

    Randy, thanks, man.

    Deka, you and me both. I've got many many of those old ace doubles. I remember them so fondly.

    Bernardl, and it's a way of getting smoe shorter works published without stiffing the reader. I like the format too.

    Beer shower. Very true.

  13. Congrats, Charles! Lots of good news there. And like Paul, I'm excited about the Borgo double, like the Ace doubles of yore.

  14. Excellent-and I am looking forward to whatever Scott Oden is able to put together on that antho as well.

  15. That's quite a lot for nine days into the new year! I've got my digits crossed for you--and believe me, it's really hard typing this way.

  16. Glad to hear all your good news, and I;m looking forward to reading your new pubs. Wishing you many successes in 2012.

  17. Charles, thinking postive is not a jinx. Your dedication and talent will surely be rewarded. Seems to me that you are on a roll!

  18. AND it's the first day of class!

    You truly amaze me, Charles.
    Know what you mean about jinx, but just turn around 3 times counter-clockwise and spit and you should be all right my inspiring friend.

    *Class Bell*

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  19. Congratulations on the good news! :)

  20. Sounds like the writing world is calling your name even stronger in 2012. Hopefully it will be an excellent year.

  21. Jaysus let me get through the beer book first willya? I have it downloaded but haven't opened it yet because of shit keeps getting in the way of stuff i want to do. I am here to tell you that retirement can keep you busier than working ever did.

  22. congrats on the publications! looking forward to that horror story collection.

  23. You are so busy! Can't wait for your new stuff to come out.

  24. Ty, I'm really happy to be a part of the double thing. Makes me feel like an old time writer.

    David J., this one is for the Orc anthology. I should have had it done over Christmas but I was working on the Days of Beer.

    AvDB, Well, all that work was done last year so it's like gravy to count it for this year.

    Shauna, thank you. I appreciate that for sure.

    Jodi, if I can keep it up. I would like that.

    Cloudia, thanks for the hint. I'll do that. :)

    Golden Eagle, I appreciate that.

    Carole, I'm feeling good about 2012 at the moment.

    Mark, sometimes life piles it on. Well, pretty much always it piles it on. Retirement or not.

    Greg, I appreciate that. Quite a few pretty intense horror stories in that one.

    Rick, thanks, man. Definitely feeling pretty busy right now, but still feeling some energy from the break.

  25. That might not be a lot of stuff to blog but it sure is a heck of a lot of writing. While I look forward to reading DAYS OF BEER soon, I wonder if you might not write DAYS OF MY WRITING soon, Charles!

  26. Prashant, it probably wouldn't be as funny! I did write a spoof piece years ago called "Death by Prose" about my writing. I included it in my nonfiction book, Write With Fire.

    Erik, thankee, man

  27. Sounds like some more titles for my wish list. Excellent!

  28. Good luck with classes -- always a crapshoot, right? But I'm sure they love you! And congratulations on the recent good news!

  29. Travis Cody, I know. I see so much being published I want.

    Michelle, thanks. I appreciate that. I've got "Make yourself small" on my desk as I type this.
