Sunday, October 30, 2011

Updating and Undead

Wow, it’s been a busy few weeks, and not likely to ease up for at least another week. However, I haven’t posted in a week and haven’t even been able to visit blogs the last few days. I even missed my scheduled blog post on Novel Spaces, which is not like me. So I thought I’d take a moment while I’m watching the Saints game (and it isn’t going well) to update the blog on what’s going on.

On Friday, I spoke to the Entre Nous Book Club for Halloween on the topic of “The Psychology of Fear.” There were about thirty folks there and the talk went really well. There were a lot of questions and discussion afterward, which is always enjoyable. The group then treated me to a delicious lunch at the Metairie Country Club. Thanks to Fe, Christie, Elaine, and all the members of Entre Nous for a great time.

Friday evening, Lana and I attended the Vampire Lestat Fan Club Vampire Ball in downtown New Orleans. A few technical glitches that delayed the start of the ball, but once things got rolling it was magnificent. Incredible costumes and the entertainers all rose to the occasion with great performances. Lana and I spent much of our time just watching the movement of the gorgeously costumed performers and attendees.

On Saturday, I spent most of the day at Undead Con 2, at the Chateau Bourbon hotel in the French Quarter. They had two great panels of writers and I got to meet and chat with most of them. I sat on the second panel of the afternoon, with Cynthia and Mike Arsuaga, Lewis Aleman, Robert Crutchfield Jr., and Kurt Amacker. We had great attendance and a lot of laughs. After that, there was a cocktail party with delicious food and more conversation. I much enjoyed myself. Thanks very much Dionne, Suzie, and Cher Groves for all their hard work in making the ball and the con a success, and for being kind enough to invite me.

Now I’m going to try to visit a few blogs, but bear with me for the next week as school work heats up and CONtraflow Con comes roaring in next weekend.


  1. You sure do a lot of talks! Glad you're not one of the undead.

  2. You are keeping busy, man! What's CONtraflow Con?

  3. Charles,
    Sounds like you had a blast. Wish I could have been there. :)

  4. What a fun weekend. Wish I was in N.O.

  5. Alex, I've had a run on talks just lately. I don't always do so many.

    Richard, it's a local SF con. Lots of folks I already know. I've got "Devil's Nest" btw and looking for time to read it.

  6. Tyhitia, it was indeed fun.

    Patti, perhaps a typical New Orleans weekend, especially in October!

  7. fun times are always good :)

    ready for tomorrow night?

  8. Vampires? I hope you had fun. But... What about werevolves?

  9. What a busy schedule but when you do things with Lana, busy is fun. Were the vampires of twilight at the party?

  10. Laughingwolf, I'm ready. Bring Halloween on.

    Deka, the only book I actually bought was a werewolf book, man.

    Ocean girl, yes, there were some Twilight vamps at the ball. Lots of different kinds.

  11. Begin with and talking with other writers is just about the best way to spend your time. And a vampire ball? Holy smoke, that's having almost too much fun.

  12. Charles, that ball sounds like a very cool evening! Take deep breaths and get thru one day at a time till your schedule lightens up!

  13. Ron, I was pretty lucky for sure.

    Jodi, that's what I have to do for sure.

  14. What a dream weekend!

    We oughta trade identities some weekend; you and Lana could laze around Waikiki and We could EAT N`awlins!

    BTW, Lestat is one fiction that spoke to me seductively. . .

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  15. Cloudia, I think Lana would enjoy such an exchange!

    Deka, Lol. No prob man. Just didn't want you to think I'd ignored werewolves!

  16. Busy of week of hell, eh? :D I can understand completely. *sigh* Been there, done that. It's continuing for me.

  17. Harry, at least another week for me and then maybe a let up.

  18. Good times, and keeping the day-job on top of the list is always a necessity. :)

  19. Sounds like an all-around smashing good time. Excellent ~~!

    Happy Hallowe'en and Samhain ~~!

  20. What a weekend. Great re-cap!

  21. It sounds like you had a great weekend!

  22. BernardL, a rather sad necessity, but definitely so.

    Erik Donald France, and to you, man!

    Sean Patrick Reardon, thanks, it was pretty crazy.

    The Golden Eagle, indeed it t’was.

  23. I think I'll put The Vampire Lestat ball on my bucket list. I've seen photographs of the costumes. It looks like a grand time.

  24. I'm glad you have such positive experiences to share.

    I'm from 100 miles north of New Orleans, right off I55 (the old double-nickel as the channel 19 crowd used to call it). I haven't been back in years though. There's really nothing there for me.

    What you wrote about it not being the land that's to blame, I agree with you completely. In fact, I miss so much about the South, things you would never imagine that you're leaving behind. For example, cardinals, luna moths, anoles, afternoon thunder showers, praying mantises, and a hundred more that I sometimes think about wistfully.

  25. Sounds like one awesome weekend.
    Good luck with the busy weeks ahead, the year is almost finished. Have a great day :)

  26. I would enjoy hearing you speak on "The Psychology of Fear." Ever consider filming some of these events?

  27. Sounds like a great weekend. I would enjoy hearing your talk on the psychology of fear.

  28. Travis Cody, definitely worth seeing just for that. And there were quite a few relatively unclothed folks as well.

    Snowbrush, I grew up on a farm in Arkansas and the country and woods will always be in me. Concrete and buildings make me wince, wildlife and wildflowers make me smile.

    Drizel, I'm looking forward to Christmas break for sure.

    David Cranmer, never really gave it much thought. It's a good idea though. I might have to try that.

    Sage, it seemed to be enjoyed!

  29. Nice to know you're still able to grab some fun amongst all the work. Do we get to see photos from the Vampire Ball?

  30. "I grew up on a farm in Arkansas and the country and woods will always be in me."

    Me too, but in Mississippi. I very much love the wild places, and Oregon has them in abundance. (People literally get lost in the woods here and are NEVER found.) However, I have no desire to live in the country. I like it far better to live in the city and camp in the country.

  31. Candy, I didn't take any photos. One of these days I'll have to get a phone with that capability, but I'll see if there are some on line. I'm sure there are.

    Snowbrush, I don't mind 'working' in the city. But when darkness falls I like to be in the woods.

  32. (1) Figures that the Quarter would be a great place to celebrate Halloween, especially given the Rice connection.

    (2) Seems like you enjoyed a lot of good eats. I gotta get on your speaking circuit!

  33. Reduced to Square One of late, I have again begun to peddle my Black Icon novel, this time to a medium-sized NY publisher.

    Fancying myself as a silver-tongued devil, I thought I had the guy talked into a deal just between him and me.

    But aha. He piped in to say "Don't forget to send an SASE envelope.

    I swear I must have relatives named Sadie and Massie. :)

    Eight printings of The Black Icon and I am again at Square One.

    Self-addressed stamped envelope he wanted.

    So after a slight depression there is a silliness to my mood. Your blog title, "Updating and Undead"
    somehow suggested to me, Dating the Dead, that is to say, unresponsive editors.

    Aunt Sadie and Uncle Massey.

    Jesus. It seems to us masochists that we seem to carry this Icon on our backs forever.

    Sort of like meeting someone smarter than ourselves.
    Past accomplisments count for little.

    --If only he hadn't said Self-Addressed Stamped envlope.

    Ah well. Back in the game. New York book publishers. The Long Island woods are polluted with them.

    Cheers, (I think).

  34. X-Dell, the day after I was in the Quarter 15 folks were shot in three separate incidents. Sometimes the Quarter is pretty insane.

    Ivan, many such editors/publishers are practiced at the art of appearing interested when in fact they are thinking how to make money off of you. Make sure your hook is set when you try to land one!

  35. Talking and then eating... your time with the Entre Nous Book Club sounds perfect!

    I'm going to read a few of your olders posts now to get caught up with you. Have a great day, Charles!

  36. Right there with you, Charles. I'd be willing to pay for free time!

  37. Good to finally catch up on all your comings and goings. Sounds like you are living life and doing well.

  38. Charles, you are my favorite author right now. It is so great to see you up there on panels with the best of them, where you belong. :)

  39. Jennifer, I haven't made too many posts lately so it shouldn't take you too long. Been busy.

    Rick, I know, if we could bottle free time and sell it we'd be filthy rich.

    Carole, trying to keep my head above water at the moment but it could be worse!

    Dionne, thank you very much. I really appreciate that. It was a lot of fun. I always enjoy panels and that one was funny as well as informative.
