Tuesday, August 09, 2011

New Post up Over At Novel Spaces

I'm talking about summer's end over at Novel Spaces. Hope you can drop by.



  1. Look this way: Now you have a lot more experience ;)

  2. Back to school for me, too. First class for me on 8/23. Putting off syllabi and setting up Blackboard until the last minute. Had a productive summer, as well. Kept finding more material for the book, so I still have more reading and writing to do. But that's OK, too.

  3. Ron, I'll probably set up blackboard the first day when we go back for meetings of the faculty. I want to have most of it ready to go though.

  4. You can't even say it aloud if you live in Michigan.
    My husband;'s Blackboard is set up. Students now seem to expect everything to be ready by July.

  5. Patti, I get emails from students way ahead of time sometimes wanting to know if they can miss such and such a date or if I can give them this info or that. Impatience is the term

  6. Congrats on the most productive summer ever! Don

  7. Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in. Over at NS, that is.

  8. You've had a great, productive summer. Wonderful!

    I find that, for me, fall always brings renewed energy, a taste of beginnings... Hope it will for you too! :-)

  9. Don, thanks. I much enjoyed it. hate to see it end.

    Erik, thanks man.

    Vesper, that has been the case most of my life. Just recently it's become the summer since Lana encourages me to take off summers to right and I so look forward to them.

    Drizel, thanks!
