Monday, July 25, 2011

Novel Spaces: Dedication Weirdness

I'm over at Novel Spaces today talking about one of the strangest experiences I've ever had in my writing career. It has to do with the issue of book dedications. I hope you'll check it out.

It will be one post down from the top now.



  1. I'm headding over to check it out.

  2. Checked and commented. And... well, hope is thwe only unpleasant dedication issue you have in your career.

  3. Oh, yes -- great post! And I write that from nowhere near a graveyard . . .

  4. What a "hook!"

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral


    > < } } ( ° >

  5. Laughingwolf, thankee.

    Cloudia, I hope I set it well. :)

  6. Wow... I guess there's one (or two) in every crowd. Sounds like a miserable person -- usually writers are very supportive of each other.

    Congrats on the acceptance!

  7. I left my response over there because your clock is ticking today as soon as you say go!

  8. yikes! another reason why it's enlightening to be in a writers group with multiple genres, i suppose.

  9. Headed that way, Charles. D

  10. Mark, my clock is ticking pretty slow these days.

    Chris, writing groups are strange creatures.

    Donnetta, thankee.

  11. I would never imagine someone would respond that way to an act of kindness.

  12. Wow. That sucks. That's really quite unbelievable. I'm sorry about that.

    Incidentally, if you mouse over the title of the blog article at Novel Spaces and right-click, then "copy link location", you can use that direct link so that your actual post will be forever linked, and people won't have to scroll down. Maybe you knew that, LOL. Just sayin'. :-)

  13. David, that was my feeling exactly.

    Natasha, thanks. I do that on my own blog but not on Novel Spaces deliberately, to encourage folks to have a look at some of the other writers over there.
