Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Ebook News

Well, sooner than I had thought it might happen, two of my books have been released by Borgo/Wildside as ebooks for both the Nook and the Kindle. This is Swords of Talera and Bitter Steel. The rest will eventually follow, although dates for that are unknown. A couple of folks have asked me particularly about the Nook versions so I thought I'd put up the links today.

Swords of Talera for the Nook

Bitter Steel for the Nook

Both Swords of Talera and Bitter Steel for Kindle:

Killing Trail is, of course, still available on Kindle, although not on the Nook as of yet.

Cold in the Light is also available in ebook from Google Books.


  1. Sweet! I'll probably bet getting both for Kindle soon. Because, you know, the ever-growing stack of physical books I need to read isn't enough. I need to start adding ebooks to that "pile" as well. :)

  2. I have both already, Charles. But here's hoping you sell a ton of eBooks. Best of luck.

  3. Great news! More formats means more potential readers, yay. :D


  4. Congrats, hon. That's great news. (E-reading is SO popular these days!)

  5. Ebooks are here to stay and growing exponentially. We at least may get a few readers this way, my friend. :)

  6. I met Barrie Summy for lunch yesterday and we agreed you were the online person we'd most like to meet.

  7. Way to go Charles, I hope you sell lots and enrich many readers!

  8. Congratulations - wow, two at one shot!

  9. Congrats! I hope you sell a humongous lot putting to shame those who don't believe in you ;)

  10. Well deserved.

    And I enjoyed your 'nature' poem too, Charles.

    ("manes of frost")

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral



  11. horse tail clouds...

  12. Laughingwolf, :)

    Tom, I know what you mean. I just added another kindle purchse to my kindle this morning. Good think Kindles don't get heavier with each book you buy. I'd have to have a freaking wheelbarrel.

    David Cranmer, thankee, And thanks for picking them up in print. I appreciate it.

    Angie, exactly my thoughts and hopes.

    Lana, you sweet.

    Bernardl, I've been hearing about some astronimical growth just in the past week or so. Good news, I think.

    pattinase, well that's very nice. I appreciate that. I probably wouldn't be that interesting in person, though. :)

    jodi, thankee. I hope so, and enrich myself at the same time. ;)

  13. Alex J. Cavanaugh, yes, kind of nice.

    Deka Black, that would certainly be nice.

    Cloudia, thanks. I like horse tail clouds. Nice ring to it.

  14. Hi Charles,

    Congrats! I just got a Kindle for Christmas so I now know what to buy -- thanks! These books look fantastic.

  15. Steve malley, I was kind of stoked.

    Michelle, cool. I really like my Kindle. use it every day.

  16. I have yet to pick up Bitter Steel. I'll have to put it on my list.

  17. Travis, it's sword and sorcery stuff. If you like that kind of story.

  18. I've read both, and I'm really eager to read Killing Trail. But alas, I only have a nook.

  19. That is great Charles! Makes me wish I had a Kindle :)

    I checked out Write With Fire on Amazon the other day. I'm putting it on my Birthday wish list.

  20. Cheers, my friend...

  21. Travis Erwin, when I get a couple of hours to rub together I will try to get Killing trail up. Thanks for reading the others. I Appreciate it, man.

    jennifer, cool. I appreciate that.

    Ron Scheer, thanks, man.

    Don, I'm pretty happy with it. Thanks.

  22. Just bought Bitter Steel for Kindle this morning. Looking forward to it! :)

  23. Sage, thankee.

    Tom, I appreciate that. It's got a little bit of all kinds of heroic fantasy in it. Hope you find something you like.

  24. I don't have Cold in the Light, yet. I'll have to go get my copy.
