Sunday, December 19, 2010

Already Sunday

It seems that when you’re working, time attacks you. It surrounds you, beats you down, and crows over your tormented body. Not so when you're off. Time flees like a teasing lover, leaving only a hint of gossamer behind to wet one’s desire for it.

In other words, how the hell did it get to be Sunday already? Thursday I posted here and then did various writing related and last minute school related business. Friday I wrote all day, Saturday most of the day. I made great progress, but not on fiction. I have articles due January 14 concerning two graphic novels, Bloodstar and A.D. New Orleans. I always kind of dread starting such articles but always enjoy them once I get into them. I will easily make my deadline and should have some time left for fiction.

Today I don’t plan to do a lot of writing. The Saints play the Ravens and I’m quite concerned about that. Lana also brought home the remastered versions of the original Star Trek episodes and I want to see those. We watched three of the earliest last night, “Where No Man Has Gone Before,” in which we learn that James Kirk’s middle initial is…R, “Charlie X,” about a teenage boy with super psychic powers developing his first crush, and “The Man Trap,” which is about the last surviving salt vampire.

Speaking of vamps, I dreamt about them last night. I was a scientist who had just been assigned to a research lab and they took me on tour. Behind one heavily locked door they kept some vampire subjects. On the left was a single fairly large vampire who was incredibly old. He was in a glass enclosed chamber somewhat like an oversized coffin. On the right side were 8 glass chambers, 4 on bottom, 4 on top, and this was where they kept the vampire experimental subjects. They were humanoid but only about half human size; they generally looked like demons with reddish-brown hairless skin, ridged wings, and clawed hands and feet. As we came in they started pressing their fanged mouths to the glass walls of their cages and beat their wings wildly.

Later, I needed to get one of the vamp subjects for an experiment but when I went into the holding chamber all the cages were empty. I woke up about that time so I didn’t get to have any adventures fighting off vampires. More’s the pity.

Now it’s almost time to go get some Popeye’s Fried Chicken and get ready to watch the pregame show. Let time be with me.

And with all my friends (you, that is) on this December Sunday.


  1. Enjoy some time in front of the TV with football and Star Wars.

  2. The vampires was too afraid of fight someone so badass like you.

    And... "The Man Trap" was my first Star Trek episode. Made me be afrais of salted food a few days :P

  3. I was standing in Best Buy yesterday in front of the DVDs of the original Star Trek episodes. As my hands were already full of other DVDs Pam and I had chosen, my anticipation of owning and watching those old Treks will have to continue to build.

    Maybe next time we'll have to start at the end of the alphabet instead of the beginning, so the Trek gets in our hands sooner.

  4. The good thing about football is that it lasts so darn long! I'm a soccer fan, and those games are only 90 minutes.

  5. When you're in the "flow," time races like that nonstop train over at Patti Abbott's... The only way I can make time slow down is to watch the clock.

  6. A day in your life sounds like a pretty damn good place to be... Thanks for sharing!

  7. Crazy busy day here that threatens to spill into Monday. If I get through a third of the things on my do-list I'll be lucky. I should take up football watching so I have an excuse to sit and catch my breath.

    Hope the rest of your week is just as happy as today is.

  8. Alex, that's Trek, dude. You have committed the unpardonable sin. Lucky I have permission to pardon you. :)

    Deka, yeah, I'm going with that statement about the vampires. Lol about the man trap.

    travis cody, that sounds like a plan.

    Hanny, I do enjoy a leaisurely 3 hour football fest, although at times it does cut into my nap time.

    I think it's probably along those lines. When I"m off I am thinking all day about my own stuff, stuff I love, and that makes the time sail by.

    Steve Malley, I was telling the same to Lana today. I be a lucky man.

    Shauna, Unfortunately the Saints didn't win, but it was a good game and I did enjoy it.

  9. I think I know how you feel, I didn't get half the reading I intended to do done this weekend and not even a quarter of the writing I intened-still I suppose its good to just relax sometimes. All the best.

  10. Oh, man. You had me at Popeye's Fried Chicken. All we've got around here is KFC (yuck!) and Bojangles (boring!).

  11. I watched Twilight last night, for the first time, and found it to be most draggy. Time flies, whether you are having fun or not. Thank you Charles for your kind wish and I wish you enjoyable time too. Make wonderful memories no matter what you do:)

  12. Charles, I always question why the one hour agony that is my boxing class seems to NEVER end, while an hour on my sofa flys by in a flash.

  13. I was a kid. And only years later i realized the importance of Star trek in sci-fi.

    But have all the things a kid love: Spaceships, aliens, rayguns...

  14. Charles: I had the biggest crush on Capt. Kirk. I still love the original Star Trek. We only got one channel on TV and I was so glad when it was clear enough to watch Star Trek. D

  15. You know, that Popeye's fried chicken might be causing your nightmares!

  16. Here's hoping you'll post once a week about a recent dream in the new year - yours are so entertaining.

  17. David J. West, I deliberately took today off. Figured I needed it.

    Ty Johnston, I liked KFC, before I discoverd Popeyes.

    Ocean Girl, thank you. Sorry I didn't make it by your blog today. I will try to catch up this coming week.

    jodi, getting hit in the face will do that for you, I suspect. :)

    Deka Black, Wish I had a reall raygun. That would be cool.

    Donnetta Lee, tonight we watched the episode, "The enemy within," in which Kirk is split into good and bad Kirk.

    Rick, if only they were that easy to produce. I might have one every night. :)

    ArtSparker, I will try to post a bit more about my dreams next year. I do find them fun.

  18. yeah, but must do "zap!" to be a really cool one.

  19. hope you get to see the rest of that neat dream, charles ;)

  20. Sorry about your Saints. My Panthers finally got a second win -yea!- and, yes, I was eating Popeyes while it happened.

    Glad to see you got some writing in.

  21. Does sleeping for about 18 hours count as time being with me?

  22. Deka Black, of course. The sound is an important part of the experience.

    laughingwolf, alas, not last night.

    Randy Johnson, I was pretty worried about the Ravens. They're a very good team but it was close game.

    Mark, I think it does. That's a good day when you get enough sleep.

  23. Hell, without a desk calendar I wouldn't even be able to keep up with what day it is anymore !

  24. You have the most awesome dreams.

  25. Well, it's Blue Monday today.

    Quoth the raven...?

    The Ravens outlasted the Saints and I think I've outlasted a creative streak in my doggy blog today.
    When all else fails,I mention other bloggers. So I mention The Walking Man and JR, how much JR looks like Emminem-- and in a comment earlier, your good writing.

    Seems this Monday, it's getting lonely at the top. Where the hell is everybody?:)

  26. I never have interesting dreams. But my husband does. I wonder why.

  27. Heff, a Playboy desk calender or a beer of the day desk calender?

    Harry Markov, since school is off I'm sleeping more and remembering them better.

    ivan, I did my blog rounds this morning but this evening I'm in need of a nap.

    pattinase, I don't know that men have more interesting dreams than women. Men tend to dream more about strangers and women more about people they know. Maybe that's it.

  28. It seems Sunday was a short one for you to ruminate on the dream and launch into a very tough Saints loss. I'm with you on the time. Christmas is in a few days and I haven't gotten over Halloween yet. :)

  29. will it to happen, bud ;)

  30. Bernardl, I was really concenred about that Ravens game, and rightly so it appears.

    Laughingwolf, I'm working on it.

  31. Did Lana rent the videos or buy them? I have a lot of movies stacking up to watch too.

  32. (1) If you're in that dream state where things seem real again, take some garlic to bed with you...for the vampires.

    (2) Well, you had something to worry about after all. The Ravens at home are tough for anyone to beat.

  33. Christina, she actually checked them out from the library, since she works there.

    X-Dell, I eat quite a lot of garlic as is. And yes, Ravens are tough.

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