Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The Gradual Reassertion of Normality

Although my cough lingers and I'm pretty weak, I was able to get back to work yesterday and am in again today. Fortunately, the backlog of work wasn't nearly as bad as I feared it would be. Thus, I've been able to ease my way back a bit, which is extremely nice.

No writing yet, but a friend of mine hooked me up with a guy who is putting on a library conference in New Orleans this June and is looking for SF/Fantasy/Horror writers. I've contacted him and it looks like I'll be invited to attend the conference, although it's still too early for any of the formalities to happen. I did attend the grand opening of the Tale of Two Sisters Bookstore in Clearview Mall in Metairie, last Saturday. I signed for Write With Fire and sold quite a few copies. If you're in the Clearview Mall area, on Veterans, check it out. They have both new and used books. And thanks to Stephan for dropping in to visit with us at the signing. I appreciate it.

While Lana and I were down with the flu, we watched three movies, Law-Abiding Citizen, Surrogates, and Sherlock Holmes. I liked Surrogates the best, and found it to be quite different from the graphic novel it is based on. I liked the setting and characters of Sherlock Holmes but wasn't blown away by the story. Still, it was worth seeing. Law-Abiding Citizen was good but not as strong as I'd hoped. It was, arguably, the most realistic of the three, but that doesn't always work in a movie's favor. The main problem was that the lead character seemed never to establish a solid core to his character. You thought he was one thing, then he became something else. I think there was too much 'reaching' for one liners that actually short-circuited the character's development.


  1. A new bookstore opening. What a great event!

  2. Things are picking up nicely, the library conference, book signing and especially so the movie watching with Lana.

    I saw Holmes but not the rest. I thought I was watching Iron Man gone berserk!

  3. Glad things are getting back to normal. Always happy to hear of a new bookstore, even if I'll never be able to get to it. Lately, it seems the trend has been the opposite, a bad thing.

  4. I haven't seen any of those movies, but Law Abiding Citizen sounds like something I might sit down for.

  5. A library conference! I'm so excited for you. Keep us updated.

  6. Pattinase, I know. It was thrilling. So unusual these days.

    Ocean girl, One thing about holmes that bothered me was too much set up for the sequel with Moriarity.

    Randy, agreed. I love when a new store opens. Especially one that's not a chain.

    Heff, it was pretty good. I do enjoy some good violence and it had it's share of that.

    Christina, will do. I'm looking forward to it.

  7. it's good to have those plateaus.

  8. Congrats on the invite to the conference, baby! That's really cool!

  9. I look forward to your take on the conference.

    Excellent news selling books-keep it up.

  10. Thanks for the review. All three were on my to see list. I think I'll start with Surrogates.

  11. good to hear you're both recovering, charles :)

    have fun at the con!

  12. Thanks for sharing the nice pic of your Mom. You and Lana are good friends, and your web-friends really care about you. Thanks for Your post today.

    Sorry I haven't been visiting as often as I'd like, but I've been
    having connection issues that I THINK I've solved. Thanks for YOUr
    visits & comments :)

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

  13. That conference invite is GREAT news, and I'm glad to hear you're feeling better too! :)

  14. ArtSparker, yes indeed.

    Lana Gramlich, you are sweet.

    David J. West, I appreciate that. Thanks.

    BernardL, I liked that one the best. Some good ideas, although not totally original.

    laughingwolf, thanks.

    Cloudia, I appreciate that. I'm definitely going to try to get the focus back on writing.

    Steve Malley, it's about time on the health front. Being sick really blows.

  15. You have to have Lana be the conference photojournalist! You guys make such a great team.

  16. Glad to know you're easing back and becoming acquainted with your new normal. That bookstore sounds great...I wish I lived close enough :)

  17. Charles, hope you feel better. Congrats on the conference!

  18. Glad to hear you're on the mend. My sister Penny and I both got sick while my mom was dying, and Samantha ended up in the hospital herself with pneumonia. It's like, just when you really need your body to hold up, it caves. I'm impressed you made it to the Two Sisters opening. I just couldn't face it.

  19. Good to see you back Charles. I've been fighting a vicious cold the last week myself--so I can definitely sympathize. I've only seen the Holmes movie. From a critical standpoint I could find flaws but I liked it. I have "Law Abiding Citizen" sitting on the counter so I'll be checking that out soon.

  20. Rick, it's very nice to have her support, and to be able to support her. We do work together well.

    L.A. Mitchell, They had a huge selection at the grand opening. I spent plenty of money.

    Greg Schwartz, thanks. Yeah, I think the conference will be neat.

    Candy, the Two Sisters thing was actually a kind of welcome distraction. While I'm talking books and writing I wasn't doing much other thinking.

    SQT, the main thing I didn't like about the Holmes movie was how they so blatantly set up the sequel with moriariaty, at the expense of the current movie.

  21. You thought he was one thing, then he became something else.

    I love the way Ray Bradbury would present an alien like that.

  22. Not a rabid fan of comedies, I see.

    It's great that you sold copies of your book, and in a bookstore no less. And the NO conference seems like it would be a lot of fun. Were I down there, I'd definitely attend.

  23. Ivan, it's a great technique when handled well but there should be set up for the change so it doesn't just seem arbitrary.

    X-Dell, I hardly ever watch comedies, and usually only when Lana wants to see one. Team America was an exception. I loved that one.

  24. The only good thing about illness is that one can catch up on movies.

  25. Anonymous6:56 PM

    A new bookstore, a conference; it sounds good. It lifts my spirits to see you bloggin and I found the reviews interesting. Thanks.

  26. Charles, sounds like you and Lana were bitten by the same bug as me! It was a drag, but I feeling better too. Time to get busy..

  27. Bernita, that certainly seems true for me.

    Jack, I appreciate that. Thanks for dropping by.

    jodi, I still just don't have any energy. And I need some.

  28. Hey man, salud to you and Lana! Hope y'all get to feeling better and back up to speed . . .

  29. Erik, thanks. We are both doing quite a bit better.

  30. My daughter and I went to see Sherlock Holmes and enjoyed it - we both have the mentality of a 12 year old girl though.

    Glad that you were able to go back to work. Have a restful weekend!
