Friday, September 18, 2009

Novel Spaces: Gems

Just a note that I'm guest blogging over at Novel Spaces today. I'm talking about GEMS, and it has something to do with writing.

Like you couldn't guess that!


  1. good advice indeed. Charles, if you find a good book on selling please let me know what it's called; selling's also one of my greatest weaknesses.

  2. checking it out asap...

  3. That was a... GEM of an article.

    Yes, I *do* in face need more coffee... My apologies.

  4. Interesting. I'm not good at selling anything. Never was. But in literature and art, it becomes a necessity. Of course, the down side of this is that those who are read, or listened to, or watched are most likely those who have an ear tuned to business--not just an audience, but a preaudience: gatekeepers who are far more capricious and narrow than an actual audience.

  5. You had some good advice as a "guest editor"

  6. Paul, thanks.

    Benjibopper, I'm amazed at people who can sell anything.

    Laughingwolf, thanks.

    Lana, you sweet.

    Steve Malley, I might need a cup myself.

    X-Dell, I see that all the time. I think that's kind of the way James Patterson has made himself such an institution.

    Sage, thanks, I appreciate that.

  7. Most cool on Novel Spaces today, Charles. It is a GEM.

  8. Cool jewel, Charles. My girlfriend wrote a child's book and was unable to sell it well herself. I stepped in and helped her pimp it. I could sell an eskimo a popsickle on a cold day, if it's a product I believe in!

  9. Great article - well done!

  10. ivan, thanks. I appreciate you checking it out.

    jodi, I couldn't sell an Eskimo a heater myself.

    Miladysa, thanks, and thanks for commenting. I appreciate that.

  11. I've been thinking a lot about my own shifting goals lately. Your post helped me wrap my brain around it. Thank you :)

  12. Great advice, Charles - gems indeed. Something one should reread often enough...

  13. L. A., glad you got something out of it.

    Vesper, thanks. Glad you enjoyed.
