Monday, January 07, 2008

Work Begins Anew

Back in traffic today. Back driving across the 24 mile Causeway Bridge with the sun just coming up pink over the lake. Back dealing with students, colleagues, emails, proposals, textbooks, classes, emails, meetings, files phone messages, emails, etc. I've got a nice headache splitting my scalp right down the middle. Classes don't actually start until Thursday but most moments will be just packed even before then. I won't be posting much, and, worse, I won't have much time to visit other's blogs for the next few days. But I will catch up toward the end of the week and the weekend.

Meanwhile, time's a wasting. Enjoy your day.


  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Enjoy jobbing. Hope that axe-wound clears up.

  2. God help us all -- I'm facing the same barrel of that gun! Congratulations on the acceptance, and I think humor is the very hardest thing to pull of in writing given problems of conveying tone. As for your reading, good luck -- and Detroit isn't all that wild -- hell, it's practically placid right now -- haven't heard one gun shot all morning. :)

  3. Class doesn't start for me for another 2 weeks - thank goodness! But I'm teaching a new class so I'm going to have to start preparing. Rats.

  4. Sorry you're not feeling well, baby. *hugs*

  5. Peace - and hope the migraine shifts!

  6. Poor Charles! But your headache-description was excellent!

  7. Oh, my husband experiences something similar. He has great ideas about what to do but DANG come all the usual and boring chores!
    He does not have a headache, though.
    Hope it goes away soon.

  8. Back to work days are a pain and so are the headaches! I hope both improve.

    (Don't want to sound like an old bat because I'm not one but it might be an idea to get your BP checked out. I'm speaking from experience.)

  9. Hope your headache calms down. My husband headed off to school rather glum today too. He faces his first batch of students here tomorrow. His classroom is so full of technology he went to a class last week to learn how to use it.

  10. Better you than me. I'll stick to working alongside my fellow disgruntled postal workers as opposed trying to tap into the potential of our obstinate youth.

  11. Don't dig too deep a hole with the blog reading, sir! We're like Niagara falls, always rushing forward. So catch up as needed.

    Careful on that causeway. I've had a nightmares about being on that thing when a storm surge/tsunami hit it full force, sending my car into the deep without escape. Very vivid horror, let me tell you.

  12. Aye carumba! Good luck gearing up for battle. First day back for me -- no surprise Amish Air Force attack to delay the start, either . . .

  13. Wonder if you'll have some interesting dreams during this time of transition...

  14. Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I need 'em.

  15. Won't be enjoying too much... I work today and the weather is actually nice! It's like 50 degrees in Michigan and I'm stuck waiting tables... booo!

  16. Work has been interfering with my life at an accelerating rate lately too and I'm reminded of something you said here once -- although I'd rather be doing other things, I am grateful for the work and the paycheck! Hope your headache subsides and we'll still be here when you come back :))

  17. Ah well,
    You at least found time to hit my blog, and that's appreciated.
    It had to do with something my old prof told me when I was in a moment of weakness:

    "Two things are certain.
    "You will get your book published, and you will get laid."

  18. Thanks for your comment, Charles. You always have a kind word and they are always appreciated by me. =D

    And yes! Thursday classes start indeed! And I haven't been excited for that prospect in a long time. I am taking one of Michelle's classes so that definitely perks me up a lot because she's a great professor.

    Good luck!

  19. Hope you had a restful and yet productive holiday.

  20. trying to tap into the potential of our obstinate youth.

    Hey, I resemble that remark! Well, at least the student part, not the youth part. I wonder if my profs are having the same thoughts as you and Ello? The forensics prof who has me in his class starting this Friday? Definitely.
