Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Time Enough At Last

I've officially been off work for 8 days so far. Unfortunately, due to various and sundry other commitments, as well as lingering things at work from folks who didn't get everything done on time, I've only had three of those eight days where I could actually sit down and get more than an hour of writing in. I don't know about you, but it's very irritating for me when I'm expecting to have time to write and then don't get it. If I know I can't, like during final exams, it doesn't bother me so much. But when I wake up thinking I've got the day and find out that I don't because someone else didn't do their job, or just because sudden emergencies of life come up, then I get seriously frustrated.

Thus the title of my blog post this morning. For the next two days I'm pretty sure that I have no commitments other than sitting in front of my computer. I am so looking forward to it. Although I wish it were going to be three days, four, five, without commitments.

Let's just hope that this title isn't sadly prophetic like it was in the greatest Twilight Zone episode ever made. Some of you know what I'm talking about.

Btw, Amazon finally has my name listed correctly with Swords of Talera. Yeah!


  1. Turn the phones off, pull the shades down, knock the doorbell off the wall and put a gone fishing sign on the door...then look at that blinking cursor as it mocks you to write and kick that son of a bitch's ass.

  2. I would have the same problem Burgess Meredith had if my glasses broke.

  3. Yes, Walking man. I intend to do just that.

    Randy, bingo on the Twilight Zone episode. My favorite of all time.

  4. Amen Brother. I was supposed to have 7 week days to write. Kids at school. Wife at work. But this broke and that needed to get done. And the next thing you know I had one day left. And wouldn't you know it. I was so knotted up over life. I couldn't put together a halfway decent sentence all day....only to get distracted by the internet. Oh well. Now that I am back in school, I should get a few hours a day to write....go figure.

  5. Have fun on your days off! And enjoy your writing time!

  6. Sounds wonderful, Charles. Enjoy yourself.

    In heavier news, once again, (I do feel guilty that this is taking me so long but only have certain times to read) there is great conflict abounding and Jask is missing again. I still haven't heard anything from Bryce but am mesmerized by your visual descriptions of this manufactured world.

    Keep writing.

  7. Walking Man, I got about 10 pages done yesterday pretty much doing that.

    Randy, I found on Wikipedia that that episode is one of everyone's favorites, or so it seems.

    Miller580, I hope things will lighten up a bit soon.

    Michelle, the nice thing about days off is that I can write and "still" get in a nap or some lazing on the deck.

    Susan, don't feel bad in the least. I'm reading Gorky Park now, really enjoying it, but I'm making slow progress because I've got so much else happening at the same time.

  8. I read Gorky Park when I was eleven and was suffering the delusions that I was ready for adult books. All I can remember (and I'm not even 100% certain the scene I recall is from this book) is being enlightened about the functions of the prostate. I guess that means I should go back and read it again.

    Good luck with the writing. May you have an uninterrupted day.

  9. You rock, baby. Forget the Twilight Zone. Appreciate the Napping Zone. :)

  10. Touche and good luck. I'm frustrated b/c, though the college semester is done, the other one is not -- weeks to go. I empathize and sympathize and hope you get more writing time.

  11. Hey Charles - did you know SWORDS OF TALERA is also available on Fictionwise.com as an ebook? They did at least get the name right. :)

  12. Yeah, I hate it when that happens.

  13. Charles: I'm a Twilight Zone fanatic. So, yes, I've always loved that episode. Randy mentioned "the glasses." Just don't drop yours! Stay on the lovely path. All else can wait.

  14. whoohooo writing time is here.....do et:)
    good luck...and enjoy:)

  15. I know all too well about not being able to finish a writing project. What's really frustrating is when your "in the moment" and some other force is pulling you away from that grand idea.
