Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Interview

I was flattered to have Shauna Roberts ask if I minded doing an interview on her blog. She asked some good and tough questions that really made me think. But it was fun, and the results are at her For Love of Words blog. Email interviews seem like an exciting way to do this sort of thing. I did one a couple of years back for Cold in the Light, and I conducted one with Charles Nuetzel, who I’ve mentioned here before as a writer of Sword and Planet fiction. I haven’t seen many on blogs yet but I think it’s a great concept.

Shauna is herself quite an interesting person. She dwells in New Orleans and makes her living primarily as a freelance science and medical writer. She also writes fiction and is particularly fond of the genres of fantasy, SF and romance. Shauna has written on numerous topics, and has even coauthored a book on Rhesus monkeys. For more, you can check out her home page.

Thanks, Shauna. I appreciate you taking the time to interview me and post it on your blog.


  1. Cool. Congratulations. I think I've seen her name around the blogosphere in a group or two - I'll be sure to check it out.

  2. Great interview. Very strong replies. Congrats.

  3. And thank you, Charles, for giving me such great material for my blog entry this week. I enjoyed learning what went on behind the scenes in creating the Talera series.

    I spent many years interviewing scientists and doctors for magazine articles, so the interview form feels more natural to me than the standard blog essay.

  4. kewl is that......:)
    enjoy the weekend:)

  5. uhhhhhhhhhh boxers or briefs?

  6. Revealing stuff - Starbucks has its advantagws doesn't it? But I wouldn't have judged you to be a Starbuckian prior!

  7. Hey - just got a chance to read the interview. Good job, both of you. Now I'm looking forward to reading the series even more.

  8. Really cool interview. I like what you said about what works its way into the story and what doesn't.

  9. I'm glad everyone enjoyed it.

    Walking man, codpiece. I like to pretend I'm a Stone Age Amazonian.

    Danny, I'm afraid you've lost me with the "Starbuckian?" The only starbucks I know is a coffee house, and I've only been there a few times.

    Shauna, thanks again.

  10. Charles, thoroughly enjoyed this.
