Monday, February 19, 2007

New Illuminata Up


The February issue of The Illuminata is out, which includes my newest column: "Characters: The Best and the Rest." Some of you may be getting it sent to you already, but in case you're not the link is The Illuminata, and the link to the February issue is at the bottom. Once again, this column owes a debt to many of you here who have joined me in online blog discussions about characters in the last month or so. Special thanks go to Candice, Elora, Emily, Sid, Wayne, Stewart, and Steve.

Write On!


  1. Interesting piece, and the discussion about AI was particularly relevant - as I'm writing an (academic) paper on the pro's and con's of using an " automated writing evaluation system", or rather an analysis of the errors it fails to pick up, of which there are many...

    This AWES is a piece of online software that generates scores related to a number of criterion.

    It's easy to find ways to fool the program, but the technology can be made fruitful, for writing classes at least.

    I'll have another look at your column later when time permits. Very interesting:)

  2. Kewl...I am gonna check the link now!....

  3. Good article. Interestingly, I think "Hannibal" provides an occasion where a nastier bad guy is used to make "Hannibal" seem better. The fellow who's out to feed him to wild hogs is so nasty and has such a negative history that he serves to make Hannibal the Cannibal more heroic.

  4. Kewel, indeed! Three cheers!

  5. I downloaded the PDF file and I'll be sure to read your column. You might want to tell the folks at "The Illuminata" to tweak their last few issues, they're still using 2006 -- out of habit I guess.

  6. Hey, Charles, sorry I'm late, but I just got to this. Great article! Very well done and interesting. I got some points to ponder out of it.
