Thursday, July 24, 2014

Review of Under the Ember Star by Rachel V. Olivier

Something good to post about. Rachel Olivier has put up a very fine review of Under the Ember Star over at her blog. Thanks to Rachel for the review, and I'm glad she liked it. I was happy too because this is one of the first posted reviews I've had of the book by a woman reader. It took me a long time to try, as a male writer, to create a female protagonist, rather than just female secondary characters. I've only done it a few times so I was pleased to hear that it worked from someone of the other gender.

In other news, interesting lucid dream last night. As soon as I realized it was lucid I opened the door the cabin I was in and took off flying. That's what I usually do whenever I go lucid. Love to fly. Later I had a dream about a wolf puppy gnawing at my boot.



  1. Flying, and wolf puppies - my kinda dreamer!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= <3

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Ember Star" is such a rich concept and phrase!

  4. That's quite a dream to have.

  5. These are great ~ all three ~ going flying . . . cheers ~>

  6. That's a fine review, Charles.

  7. Cloudia, the puppies were so cute. I was disappointed that was only a dream.

    Gina Gao, twas fun.

    Erik, thanks, man.

    Oscar, yes, I much appreciated it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Charles, I enjoyed reading Rachel's review of UNDER THE EMBER STAR. I liked the characters, the intriguing Ginn Hollis and the ancient Kelmerians, as well as the other elements in your sf adventure, the dying planet and sun, in the backdrop of romance. I think not knowing what Hollis looks like adds a touch of mystery to the story. This was the gist of my comment over at her blog.

  10. Under the Ember Star should definitely appeal to a female readership. Ginn was a solid woman character. Great dream sequence.

  11. Prashant, I've heard that men who write women always describe their bodies in detail so I didn't want to do that. Just some hints, hair color, general build, that sort of thing. Glad it worked.

    Bernard, thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated as always.

  12. Nice review and nice dream! It's interesting trying to write from the POV of the other gender - sometimes challenging, sometimes not as much. For me, anyhow.

  13. What was the wolf puppy like?

    And yeah. I think you did a fine job of characterizing Ginn!

  14. So you're saying I love Lucid? Wasn't that a TV show?

  15. Riot kitty, I find it pretty challenging but I think I'm getting better.

    Rachel, thumbs up. There were a couple of wolf puppies in the dream. One was white and definitely very wolfish. The other was black with a brown stripe under his neck and looked a little more doggish than he probably should have.

    Mark, Yes. Yes it was a TV show. And Lucid has some splainin' to do.

  16. nice...pretty cool affirmation when you can bridge that gender gap...

    i enjoyed stephen baxter's flood/ark series over vacation...more apocalyptic sci fi than otherwise but was a fun read....

  17. Richard, thanks!

    Brian, I've looked at that series. Looks interesting. I'm sure I'll get to it at some point.

  18. I went over to Rachel's and read her review. Very cool! "Under the Ember Star" is next on my list now... :-) I liked what she wrote about forgetting that she knew the author, that's how good the story was. I had the same feeling while reading "Swords of Talera"... (Did you like my little review at Amazon?) :-)

    Your dreams are always very interesting.

  19. Vesper, yes, thank you so much for the review. I much appreciate it. So glad you liked the book. I sometimes forget to check the Amazon reviews every so often. Thank you for taking the time to review it.
