Sunday, August 04, 2013

Three Poems, and Other Things

Three of my poems are running today over at Beat to a Pulp. I hope you'll stop by and give them a read. These are some of my favorites among my own pieces.

Also, of course, "A Whisper in Ashes" is still up at Heroic Fantasy Quarterly.

Hope your Sunday is going wonderfully!



  1. I like poetry, but it can be pretty hit and miss with me. In this case, it was all hits. I like the variety in tone and structure.

  2. Keith, thanks. I'm kind of that way about poetry myself. Some poetry really leaves me cold. Other pieces just resonate with me.

  3. Loved "A Whisper in the Ashes" as well as the whole issue. Images from "The 13th Warrior" kept flitting across my brain while reading it. Looking forward to reading more of Krieg's adventures.

    My review's going up on my site in a little bit.

  4. You both, too!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3

  5. There is something in "Abraded by Light" that makes me think of an alien shore...
    "In the Ruins of Memory" gave me dark chills and I remember "Season of Rust" from Micro Weird.
    I loved all three of them!

    I see that the link works now so I'll read "A Whisper in the Ashes" tomorrow. Love the title!

  6. I am generally pretty finicky about poetry, but really enjoyed these. What inspired the second one?

  7. Charles, your poetic touch shows in your stories including in "A Whisper in Ashes" that I read before. So I'm not surprised these three poems read as well as they do.

  8. Too young to die and old enough to see it coming. Love it when the pain strikes from behind, the bastard is always to fast to strike back at though. And then what are you left with, not the memory of a good fight fought hard, just another welt!

  9. And very well done, Charles. You bring your narrative talents along with you.

  10. Poetry.

    Your ABRADED BY LIGHT reminded me to keep a lid on the id-- and try to ease off on the old John Barleycorn. :)

  11. The Wasp, glad you enjoyed. I'm a big fan of the thirteenth warrior so I'm sure there is influence there.

    Cloudia, :)

    Vesper, glad you enjoyed the poems. Abraded by Light, is one of those that just came in a flash, with very little rewriting. Love when that happens but it doesn't happen often.

    Riot Kitty, I wrote that back in the early 90s, at a pretty painful time. Mostly it was thoughts of loss, particularly of my father.

    Prashant, thanks. I do rather like to think of myself as a poetical writer so comments like that make my day. :)

    Mark, I sense him there, but, as you say, I'm never quick enough to turn around and return his punch before he's gone again.

    Patti, thank you. I appreciate that.

    Ivan, yeah, when your ears are ringing with lost harmonics it's time to slack up a bit. :)

  12. As always - vivid word images.

  13. Bernard, appreciate it, man.

  14. Always a pleasure, Charles. Thanks.

  15. Charles, I read "A Whisper in the Ashes". It grabbed me and wouldn't let me go. :-) The images are so vivid, it feels as if watching a movie. What an interesting name you chose for you hero... War.
    But you made me very curious about him, of course, and also about Yaris and burnt ship...
    I want to read more!
    Excellent work!

  16. David, Thanks to you, man.

    Vesper, thank you for reading. Very glad you enjoyed. I appreciate the kind words.

  17. Just read Ashes as well. And I echo all of what Vesper said. I saw some 13th Warrior/Skyrim vibe in there. Very, very nice. :)

  18. Tom, glad you enjoyed. Thanks, man.

  19. Excellent work, Charles. "In the Ruins of Memory" was especally well done. Loved it!

  20. Sean, appreciate it, man. Thanks.

  21. awesome poems! i especially like the 3rd one, really good imagery. it goes nicely with the form. thanks for sharing them!

    - greg

  22. Greg, thank you much. I appreciate it.

  23. Very much enjoyed these, Charles, both for content and wordsoundflow.

  24. Erik, glad to hear it. The sound is very important to me in both poetry and prose.

  25. I enjoyed your poetry, Charles, but I'm afraid I passed on Ashes for now as not being my genre of interest.

  26. Oscar, glad you liked the poetry. I'm a big fan of sword and sorcery myself, of course.

    Laughingwolf, thankee, man.
