Monday, October 03, 2011

A Couple of Announcements

A couple of quick things. I mentioned Treasure Island in my previous post and how I was hoping to reread it soon. Well, I found that it was free for the Kindle on Amazon and quickly downloaded it. If you want it for free, the link is: here.

Also, the second issue of Rick Moore's White Cat Publications magazine is up online. I've read a couple of stories already and they are very good. The general link is here. There's also some exciting stuff coming up over there.



David Cranmer said...

I just grabbed a copy of TI as well. Thanks. And glad to see Rick is doing well with CAT.

Tom Doolan said...

Yeah, that's how I read Treasure Island a few months ago. In fact, there are a lot of "classics" like that there for free. I have quite a collection on my iPhone. :)

I'll be checking out CAT soon.

Jeff said...

THanks--as I'm inheriting an older nook, I'll have to see if it available in that format.

pattinase (abbott) said...

Free books is one of the great treats of having an ereader. My husband hasn't paid for a book yet.

Oscar Case said...

I'll take a look at White Cat. Thanks.

Charles Gramlich said...

David Cranmer, I'm looking forward to rereading it.

Tom Doolan, I've gotten a fair number that way too.

Jeff, I didn't check B & N but it may well be.

Patti, a wise man.

Oscar, good stuff over there.

Deka Black said...

Charles: Hope you like it. A thing i love is Stevenson wrote the story after a petition of his stepson. In fact, according to the info i have, he have a good relationship with the sons of his wife.

Pattinase: Your husbands is a lucky one. The books i like must be paid! ;)

laughingwolf said...

thx charles, will dive right in :)

Anonymous said...

Present company would probably be amazed at the number of ereader owners who believe the price of their device entitles them to free reading for ever more. At the suggestion of fellow western writer Gary Dobbs, I've set up a deal at his Tainted Archive blog where people who buy an O'Keefe ebook can claim a second free. So far, after three days, it has been an education to find out that even this -- effectively two for the already low price of one -- attracts very, very few of the new generation of freeloaders. Writing good-quality fiction, it seems, has degenerated from a modestly paying business into a costly hobby.

Golden Eagle said...

We have Treasure Island in book form, somewhere. I don't remember much about it--I should go back and reread it.

Charles Gramlich said...

Deka, it reads like Stevenson was having great fun.

Laughingwolf, Cool!

Chap, so far, except for rare individuals, most of the folks making good money off ebooks are well established writers with big backlists. Newer writers are having as hard a time in ebooks, for most of the cases, as they have had with print books. I see a lot of the so called "bestsellers" on Amazon are free books.

Charles Gramlich said...

Golden Eagle, I've got a printed copy of Treasure Island too but I did want one for the Kindle to haul around with me.

X. Dell said...

I would have thought Treasure Island was in public domain, like many other literary classics.

jodi said...

Charles, I haven't read Treasue Island since high school. Maybe it's time for a re-read!

ivan said...

Well. Most of us hardly posess the talent and acumen of Robert Luis Stephenson, but we can reread now, for free, and once again say, "I knows your face, Billy Boy."

Charles Gramlich said...

X-dell, I guess it probably is. That may be why it's free. I don't know who put it together. Didn't check my copy.

Jodi, I liked that book immensely and have been thinking about Pirates lately.

Ivan, I still remember how it begins.

Travis Erwin said...

Off to do some reading.

Charles Gramlich said...

Travis Erwin, enjoy

Erik Donald France said...

Thank God for good things ~
cheers ~

Lisa said...

Thank you Charles. And I have thought of Rick. Heading there right now :)

Cloudia said...

Your recommends carry weight around here, Charles

Warm Aloha from Waikiki;

Comfort Spiral

/ )

> < } } ( ° >

Charles Gramlich said...

Erik, indeed so!

Ocean girl, I think you'll enjoy.

Cloudia, thankee!

Issa's Untidy Hut said...

Charles, I remember enjoying Treasure Island, one of the first books I connected with ... hope you like it this time round. Don

Drizel said...


Charles Gramlich said...

Don, I'm sure I will. If I just had time to read more.

Drizel, thankee.

Tyhitia Green said...

Yay, Rick! Wow, I've really been offline too long. :-/

Richard Prosch said...

Wow, I'm about a zillion posts behind. TREASURE ISLAND --a real treat and weird synchronicity that I just read it this year with my son. Naturally the character of Long John Silver steals the show, but he's more complex than I remembered, and the story overall had more depth than I was expecting. A truly great read. And, BTW, I agree with Chap and the odd expectations of ebook readers.

Charles Gramlich said...

Tyhitia, he's going strong!

Richard, a lovely book for sure.

Jojo P. said...

Treasure Island are not really respected in the academic community because Treasure Island is, at heart, just an adventure story.
